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I Forge Iron

What is your favourite forge work??

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For me it is something new..I have a lot of things I am comfortable with and enjoy seeing if I can improve my work every time I make them...But when I take on something that in the past I could not have even considered, The get past wotever learning process that involves It is great. Then after I have made several of that item it is time to seek something more challenging. 

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For me there is never a bad day in the forge. I always have a dozen projects in the work I get the most satisfaction from making new tools for a restoration project. To be able to seamlessly add new metal to replace missing or damaged elements. and have the owner say is this where you fixed it and it being an area done by the original artist. That makes it all worth it, it is a labor of love of the art.   

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Yesterday was a really good day at the forge.  A friend from the Marines came over and we worked together to forge a hawk's head and a jackhammer bit into a bickern.  I finished the bickern today, but getting to share the time and experience is especially nice.  As mentioned already, I also like a new challenge.  Someone asked me to make them a spearhead so from a discarded axle which I'm assuming to be ~5160, spark test seems to agree, I got that started today and the bickern will enable me to make the shaft.

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