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I Forge Iron

Curmudgeon Offline

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I'm sure that it will be a pleasant surprise for many people; but I will be offline for a space. My parents are having some health issues and I will be helping them out as much as possible in my off time. (May explain if I've been touchier than usual lately---lack of sleep and lots of multihour driving in an un-airconditioned truck...)

Just remember the fundamental rule of blacksmithing" "You hold the *cold* end and hit the *hot* end---and please get it right next time!" (James Green)

Thomas Powers

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Been there done that, I knew it was coming, but it's worth all the hassle in the world, I love my parents, may God bless them, lost my dad in 1990, and my mother in 2008, but I was there when they needed me. Thomas you will be missed but I think your parents need you more, the reward is love, unconditional love, may God bless your parents.

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No problem I can be grouchy enough for both of us while you are gone. We all need to remember to place first things first, I had to take time away for my father 2 years ago, Family comes before the other stuff. Prayers your way

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My wife is 10 years older than I am and so we've gone past that stage on her side; but she's the oldest of 12 kids and so we are starting to see them slip away.

My Mother came through the surgery OK, it was much more extensive than last time though and they doubled her pain medication----probably heard I was doing the cooking for her over the weekend. My father is probably never going to not be using a wheelchair again and as it's a neurological issue he doesn't have the upper body strength most wheelchair users develop.

They are a 2 hour drive away so my wife and I have been trading off. I work weeks and go down there on weekends and she does the opposite. It's wearing over time, we both had car trouble this last week; but has been nice to get to spend so much time with my parents. I sure hope I get a chance to see my sole surviving Grandfather again. He's always been pretty much the archetype of what I'd like to be.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My sister came in from Virginia for several weeks so I got to take time out and go to Mexico for some past due dental work. 5 hours continuous work by 2 dentists. 2 root canals and the removal of an abscessed molar that was one end of a major bridge. So I'm extra grouchy!!!! Almost *exactly* like a grizzly bear with a sore tooth!

(ran across an unexpected side effect yesterday---I felt good enough to forgo the pain meds and so after church I drug the old lincoln tombstone welder over to the house and hooked it up through the kitchen window to the electric stove plug and did some arc welding I was behind on including 28" of 7018 on some camp cooking equipment...then drug the welder back and cleaned up the shop. Ended up having an insulin crash at 2 am as evidently I can't eat enough to cover the extra exercise.)

Just glad I could get it done before my week long campout over labour day, (and before I lose my dental insurance when my job runs out).

Steve; thanks for curmudgeoning in for me! Any my thanks for the prayers and well wishes of all while I am dealing with my parents. Now that they are moved into their new house it looks to be time for them to look into assisted living...

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Brother Thomas ,

I hate to see you go yet i know family comes first , from my family to yours Blessings and Prayers are being sent daily . Remember please take care of your self and family also so your health does not go down . Mush love and prayers to you Brother


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