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I Forge Iron

Stress Test


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Last week I was at the doctor for my annual checkup after the iron pour and had an EKG so he sent me to a cardiologist and then that fellow scheduled me for a stress test for tomorrow morning at 0 dark thirty. I think it's just a way to bump up their Medicare payments but my wife is all shook up so pray for her to have a little peace about this and for my youngest son too. He freaks out every time I xxxx crossways, thinks I'm going to die and he's right, I plan to do that some day, just not now.

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A stress test can be a very good thing. If you're not having any medical issues, then at least, you have a base line to refer to years from now. If you are having medical issues, then it can help identify what is going on and can help you set up a medical program for the future which sounds like something you want. So, do it and don't stress about. It might just save your life for the time being.

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Oh, it was great fun! Most uncomfortable table they lay you on for a chemical stress test and other than that I wasn't stressed at all. My blood pressure was nice and low, I didn't get short of breath, throw up or pass out like one fellow did so I suppose I passed it. The worst part was fasting. Then they redid the abdominal ultrasound that was done in my regular doctors office and refound the aortic aneurism there which freaked out the guy doing that. Great fun seeing a guy run and get the doctor to check that out. He said it wasn't a problem yet. So it looks like I go back in six months to go through all this crap again. God is good!

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I am glad you would give us an up-date. Sounds like you had fun! :unsure:
I also had the exerence. They had injected me and we were waiting for the doctor that needed to be there to arrive.
Quite a bit of time passed and no Doctor!
Then we overheard a nurse tell someone that the Dr. had already left to go to a city 120 miles away!
Now that gave me a feeling of confidence in the system :P
I made it, and it all turned out OK.

Thanks again for letting us know!
Ted Throckmorton

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I got a call from the doctor this afternoon and my heart is in great shape but he was wondering how I managed to get much exercise on my legs as bad as the veins were in them. I told him I had been able to walk much since I damaged my lower back and had sciatic nerve pain down my right leg so bad. I have such a little plaque in my heart that he said it looked like the heart of some one thirty years younger and my blood pressure was really good, even for someone a hundred and twenty-five pounds lighter than me. However we may be looking at surgical intervention on my legs for the bad veins but for insurance purposes we got to go through compression stockings. OH BOY! Panty hose here we come and summer is on the way.

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Bentiron1946 I know that what I am about to say will not reduce your pain and the associated stress that it brings with it by the pain restricting “what used to be your normal health and way of life”.
But it is not about what I say, but who I know.
I, as many others who are members of I Forge Iron also understand about pain and the confining, restricting, and depressing effect its presence brings.

In fact I am allergic to pain killers. So I have no choice but to accept the pain associated with my issues “face on”.

The good news is that I have been aware of several members who have been in such bad shape that it sounded like they were not going to be effective as a craftsman again. But prayers plus time have returned to them what was thought to have been lost.

As of this time I have had two different doctors tell me in essence to “just go home and have a good life”
After that a second doctor more or less “said just be thankful for what you can do and just go do what I could do.”
Several times part of the counsel I was given was: “But look how old you are”

I could not accept their opinions.
After all of that positive counseling, I knew that I had to make a committed decision on what to do because I had run out of help here on this earth that I could find or afford.

I thought OK! &--#60;_&--#60; Hummmmmmm “I know what to do” :)
I knew that I needed the very best help that I could possibly attain due to how sick as I had become.

I have that help now. And, it has all been paid for 2,000 years ago.
Pain got my attention, and now I am paying attention.
So pain at a certain level has become a positive influence on my life.
I rely on prayer.
My very best to you!
Ted Throckmorton

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Ted, I do know what you mean. God has held me steady on through all this pain. I have been steadfast in my refusal to stop and I continue to do what I can and then some. I can't stand at an anvil any more nor can I even forge but I can work 1/8" copper so that is what I forge. I can't walk a mile in 12 minuets either, it takes me half an hour to walk around the house now. One thing I do know is Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of the one true and Living God and that the Holy Spirit intercedes for me and my pain on a daily basis, sometimes on an moment to moment basis but it is through him that I have life here and will have it eternally. Some day this pain will fall away like a shell and I will be free of it. My sins are forgiven and washed away by the blood of the Lamb, praise his worthy name, Amen!!!

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