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I Forge Iron


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About TBinKC

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    Kansas City Missouri Area
  • Interests
    Enjoy fixing and making things out of all kinds of materials.
    Profient welder, carver, and doer. Real guy doing real work.

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  1. I found a website with information that you may already know about. STC-88 Air Hammer (beautifuliron.com) https://beautifuliron.com/gs_stc-88_air_hammer.htm It seems to be very informative on your Air Hammer
  2. Finished a wall plate . Couldn't find one in the store so it just made sense.. Hammers and chisels.
  3. I have been making ornaments for several years. I know I appreciate it and so does my family apparently. Made bells, angels, crosses, and others but steel requires some intricacy due to weight alone. I'm just looking for ideas. Thanks for input.
  4. Without the card, it would be a curious ornament. Thanks
  5. Well that Christmas 2021 post got a little off track.. So here's to trying to swing it back. Looking through old posts, I saw Icicles, a couple knomes, candle stick, talk about bells.. Any christmas tree ornament pictures? looking for ideas.
  6. Thanks for the input.. back to thinking about it I guess.
  7. Worked on this Barn Door off and on since spring. Real Rivets (burned some wood) handmade hardware. It covers up a standard outside door and is +/- 48" X 90" The wood is Cumaru sealed with clear oil sealer.
  8. I have been considering a press of some sort for way longer than I care to admit. The designs seem relevantly straight forward. But every time I get into the thick of it, I consider getting a scotchman or similar "ironworker" type press. It got me to thinking... why haven't I seen anyone use this type of press for forging? In my eyes, you should be able to use something like a 2:1 lever ratio to get twice the pressure of the straight line press which means 1/2 the needed input for the same results. Am I missing something here? Has someone already done this and I'm just missing it? Is it too difficult? what are the obstacles? other than money and time.. go ahead.. let me have it.. I think I can handle it.
  9. There's a song around these parts that has a line the says "...if I only had a brain.." You guys are awesome.. Only when the banter begins do we get a sense of the true genius.. Have a great day.
  10. Jobtiel1 Thanks for sharing those images. they are great examples of early forge work. I find the circular marks on the lock to resemble (Mimicry is the highest form of flattery) those of modern milling machines or drill press work today referred to as "engine turning" (which I think is a term carried forward from real milling of engine deck surfaces). The hammering required to create the symmetrical circles on the ancient lock are beautiful. Incredible works or art! Only those (modern blacksmiths) who try to replicate the actual skill required to create such work can appreciate the beauty of such work. WOW.. just WOW........ Your pictures alone have encouraged me to donate to this website. THANKS
  11. This was an eye opening vise test.. even Wilton has a variety of build qualities. 3) WHAT VISE IS THE STRONGEST? - YouTube
  12. Not sure if this will help anyone.. Just found a another view
  13. Agree its a Hay Budden, look at the foot under the horn and see if you have any numbers.
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