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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by M.J.Lampert

  1. so you go to her "hey mom can i have a spoon for in the shop?" and then give her the piece you made for her. be sure to ask very nicely as if the bribe does not work mothers can sometimes be persuaded to give there child something with a smile and a hug know what you mean with the school part in an earlier comment i am having the same problem Ps nice looking weld on the fire poker i have only done 90 degree bends on mine
  2. i will usually drill before i quench a knife but that's just my personal preference
  3. nice fish daswulf i love the look the next one needs a thread on how to make it so a late Merry Christmas to yall and a happy new year and hopefully without covid
  4. thats to bad man i know how that feels my first three blades cracked/snapped on me before i learned how to work it proper
  5. that why nerf made the rhino fire so you can use their mags normaly 25 or 30 but will take any others 5,10,15,20 they are a fare bit easier to reload and the gun uses 2 i prefer an airsoft though a CO2 or electric can work exilent and they are even in common setups so work as a training tool along side your real guns ( Glock, berretta aks ars ect)
  6. kids "fire" "oops didn't mean to hit you dad" half a minute later.. "fire" "oops didn't mean to hit you dad" you "ok that enough the catapults are now mine"
  7. so i figure this isn't enough to post as its own thread and since it was done in the shop... so this is a 4x72 1.5Hp belt sander that I adapted from 3 phase to single phase via a motor swap then to fit the wheel i made a collar and larger key as the motor had a 5/8 shaft and the wheel was for a 7/8 then wired it into a 220V circuit with the help of my father so I don't kill my self or destroy the shop runs great have used a few times already are you saying the front attachment of these (or for bulldozer a piece of)?
  8. thomas i understand but am having trouble finding a block of steel large enough to work
  9. this red handled cross peen was used in the first attempt yes it is a cast aso am looking for another my father has this rail ASO i am thinking about using but would prefer a larger work area. it would require a fair bit of cleanup but them my cast anvil should get the same if it is used more i also did this one yesterday came out slightly better but i now see why they say make 100 they are a challenge to perfect but IMO this one came out slightly better this one was done with a different hammer a 2 lb hammer that needs the handle re-done
  10. Ricky forge now go and edit your profile so on the next page you post every one can see as such
  11. so i tries 0my first leaf yesterday and ended up with this no ridge and looks like a cobra that was caught on the road the key chain is almost a square. can anybody give me some pointers on how to improve this thanks a lot
  12. following on what dickb said buy some small stock i can pick up a 20' 3/8 square mild steel for CAD 0.08 an inch and then make fire pokers and hooks to practice twists and hammer techniques. i know where you stand "i want to build a Knife", been there, done that, failed, learned from my mistakes. wait if i learned from it was it a real fail? what i mean to say is make a starters plan that is grasp able if you go "for my first time starting the forge up im making a 3' sword your gonna fail because you haven't done any hammer work. but if you go and make hook the first few times you get practice hammering and you also have Christmas gifts. just my two cents hit hard and forge on
  13. like the look of the tomahawk the peened texture could cause rust though the burnt hickory has a great grain and contrast might want to warn you neighbour about the trouble of mild steel (dents on edge,etc.)but for what he will do with it should be fine (don't quote me on that)
  14. sorry I'm taking that touch-mark now to find someone to engrave it
  15. so i was thinking of going with "true north iron works" or would that not be a good choice
  16. rockstar even though this isn't my thread it is very useful i was actually planning to go with like a "Ic forge" living inn the north but now might change to some other none Forge name
  17. so this one I believe came from the original folded Damascus "increase it 10 fold" as well as to "increase it one-hundred-fold" as each fold multiplies the steel by 2 so first fold makes 2 (2x1) then 4(2x2) 8(2x4) and so on and some blades would be folded hundreds of times that al for now so "forge on" "sorry that might of hit to hard"
  18. man has had a craving for battle from just about the beginning also our female companions seem throughout history to be drawn to warriors additionally there is the fantasy of rescuing a maiden in distress and many of the Blue bloodlines came from robbers and pirates who spilt much blood to get high up
  19. haha id rather not have someone cut the cheese mustard you grind or spread so no challenge there
  20. ok might not do as detailed as wikipedia shows but will definitly try on next antler handle knife
  21. sorry Thomas what does scrimshaw it mean JHCC most likely will after a while but we'll see might like it so
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