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I Forge Iron

Chris C

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Everything posted by Chris C

  1. Me too,l pnut. Procrastination is probably my worst habit. Think I'm "too far along" to change it now.
  2. Thanks for the positive reactions to my newly completed forge folks. Looking forward to firing it up. Hope that happens soon.
  3. I like guys too stubborn to know when to stop. Fortitude is a good trait...........unless it kills you. I guess it could do that running in the Iditarod.
  4. Thanks, Old Crew. It has to be after the Gas inlet and I don't like bending over all that much. It won't be in harms way there..............and if it is, it'll be easy to lower. A big "yup" on your comment about the base.
  5. Nice forgings, littleblacksmith. Well, after 10+ months in the process, I finished my forge today. Pictorial proof:
  6. Waiting on my ribbon burner to completely dry so I can finish my forge and start bangin' hot steel like the rest of you. (though I highly doubt I'll bang things into as nice a shape as most of you! Anyway, I spent the day making a new hammer and tong rack with my "new to me" Tombstone welder. Thought it turned out pretty nice...........at least for my first project. It'll hold 3 rows of hammers and more tongs than I'll ever own. Or at least that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!
  7. NICE WORK!!!!! (and I was happy for finishing my hammer and tong rack!)
  8. Sorry to hear about the "event", Thomas. That sucks.
  9. I know what you mean, Jon. I'm going to have to be my own striker because I'll never own a power hammer. I agree with Steve and Thomas that billets have been forged for a long time without power................just takes more strikes and more patience.
  10. I don't even need to watch that video. I think I've spent a thousand hours watching his videos............and communicating back and forth in e-mails with him. His work is incredible. His obsession is with the steel. He doesn't sell finished knives..........ever! Only what you see in this video. Unique individual.
  11. Peppie, As with everything else you've shown us, that's fantastic. What a twister!
  12. Darnit, Frazer, you are supposed to go into a lengthy dissertation about how you carefully and methodically created such a pattern. Talk about disappointing. You've let down the entire IFI community if you can't tell us how to replicate that pattern.
  13. To me, that is the most pleasing style of Damascus and one I hope to produce in my knives someday. Guess I'm just not one of those flashy fancy kind of guys.
  14. Ramsberg, It is quite obvious you are deeply concerned about this virus. Whether you see it or not, we all are. But this forum is hosted in Glenn's living room. We operate by his rules. (I know, I've broken them several times to my disdain.) I would recommend you heed Frosty's suggestion and take a deep breath and not "poke the bears". (administrators) I see no dismissive-ness within our community toward the severity of this pandemic. The mere fact you've been a member since 2008 and have made 326 posts without sharing your location indicates to me a lack of willingness to genuinely become a part of this community, so I am not so sure you have the position to chastise us for what you consider our lack of concern for people's lives.
  15. That's kind of what i had in mind, IFC. Needed one when I moved here 20 years ago and need one more and more the older I become............not that I'm "old", you realize.
  16. Would be nice. Now that I have a welder, I might be able to make an A-frame and use my wire come-a-long. Needed one for the past 20 years.
  17. It's a 100# tank, Thomas. About 48" tall. I figure when I get my weight restriction lifted, (supposedly another 3 to 4 weeks) I'll be able to get it into the truck............not quite sure if I can get it off the truck when it's filled though. At least not until I'm completely healed from this surgery. Don't know when that'll be. The Surgery Doc called today and cancelled my Post-op appointment. Said at my age and just having had surgery, he didn't want me out and about to possibly be exposed to this virus..........and that definitely included his office! Said my immune system is compromised.
  18. https://www.officer.com/blogs/blog/21129968/please-read-between-the-lines-of-sensationalism
  19. Naw, not impressive enough! It needs to be buried about 12" into the end of that stump to resemble King Arthur's sword. Then I'd be impressed. All kidding aside, without clearer, more detailed pictures, all I can see/say is it looks mighty nice. Congrats.
  20. Interesting, thanks. I've a lot to learn about Damascus.
  21. Sage advice, Frosty. Also, I didn't realize the coiled spring would have less tendency to curve away than leaf spring. Very interesting.
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