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I Forge Iron

Chris C

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Everything posted by Chris C

  1. Well, Frosty, as I understand the purpose of the regulator and needle valve: Set the regulator at the maximum pressure you expect to need. (as you've said in the past, no-one needs even 30 pounds with these forges) Then adjust needle valve from 0 to whatever pressure meets your needs. Yes? Oh, and I've ALWAYS got popcorn. It's always first on the shopping list. I just don't eat it at the same time as drinking apple cider. Massive amounts of undesirable/unwanted flatulence abound!
  2. Took my brother and me about 5 years after we quit working together. We were in the family business for 27 years. I don't recommend that to anyone.
  3. Naw, Thomas, that couldn't be.
  4. Oops! Another example of knowing what I meant was not what I said. Good catch, Thomas. Yes, the big Tom was Sunday's dinner.
  5. The Turkeys can really be territorial. My Step-Granddad had one that would chase me around every time I went back into the pens. That didn't bother Granddad, but he favored my little brother, so when my little brother complained about the offending Tom, we had him for dinner that Sunday!
  6. I don't think that's the kind of "attitude" I'm accused of having, Thomas.
  7. I had 24 hens. A mixture of Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Black Star and something else. (can't remember what) Once they came of egg laying age, I had 24 eggs every day, with a couple of times I actually had 25. Go figure. It was fun selling eggs and meeting people. Majority of the eggs were in the Large to Extra-Large category. They never let me down. Miss my "chickie-girls". They were all pets. Could pick every one of them up any time I wanted. They were a hoot. Lots of fun. Had one that would come and jump up onto the porch swing and sit beside me when I when out to read. She was extra special.
  8. Oh great, so now I'm getting a reputation for having an "attitude". Well I never!!!!! You fellers sure know how to welcome a guy up to the fire for a cup of coffee!
  9. Well THAT hurt, Frosty. Just because it's the truth doesn't mean you have to throw it in my face. Patience is just a virtue of which I have very little.
  10. Yup, Thomas, I remember how it was when I had chickens. Not only were those shells hard as an anvil face, the yolks were dark orange and stood up like an Eskimo's freshly built igloo. Dang those things tasted good. Wish I still had those layers.
  11. Sounds like it, Thomas. Of course, this "sheltering in place" is driving some to drink. Guess that's a possibility in John's case. My daughter never drinks, but after 4 weeks with her entire family inside the house, I got a text the other day where she admitted she was mixing Kool-Aid with Vodka and "rather enjoying it".
  12. Nicely done. For critique, I'm sure it's nothing you hadn't already seen, but I notice the two curls on the larger piece terminate differently, if that makes any sense. (one goes around further than the other) But I like the piece as a whole.
  13. I like it.......................just send it to me. I'll be extra thankful.
  14. Chris, Unless you stumble onto a "parts" leg-vise and pirate one, you will be faced with either fabricating or forging one. I don't have the Youtube link, but I remember watching a smith forge a replacement leg for his leg-vise when he was in much the same situation as you.
  15. Yup................................for just about a month or two and then IFC will have it filled up with new toys wondering where all that new open space went!
  16. Congratulations...............I guess! Never happens that way at my house.
  17. Indeed it does, Frosty...............thanks.
  18. All of the gauges were the same price, Frosty. I couldn't put in a change order on the gauge, so it'll be here Monday. What's a "gun" burner? Do you mean my forced air ribbon burner? Am I supposed to control the gas with the black knob on the regulator or the needle valve in the line?
  19. Mine never goes down when it's convenient, arkie.................just like anything else. You bet she's talented, arkie. Knows what she's doin'.
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