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I Forge Iron

Chris C

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Everything posted by Chris C

  1. Really like that idea, Steve. Might I ask the reason you needed a large radius like that?
  2. Okay, I see. Fight interference with interference.
  3. Hmmmmm, interesting. I've seen those in movies, as you mentioned. Can't figure out how they would affect an over-powered CB unit though. Oh, and I never sunk to the levels of damaging other people's property.............not so much because of the possible legal entanglements, but moral responsibility. Still, it sounded like a good idea every time this guy would "take over" the airwaves for an evening. He'd just jive-talk and rave and rant. No-one ever talked to him. He was alone on the airwaves. As soon as he'd key up, most everyone I knew would just turn off their units and go to bed.
  4. Have never heard of that, Steve. Don't know what a "Jacob's" ladder is in reference to electronics. But I did hear of one trick that can be used for folks like that. I've heard all it takes is to take a straight pin and push it through the offending operator's antenna cable. The first time he keys the mic it completely fries his expensive, over-powered and illegal power supply. Some might call it "radio karma".
  5. That's about how loud mine is. I've got a db app on my phone, I'll see if I can get a reading sometime.
  6. I presently have a huge horn that is connected to the land line, pnut. Is as irritating as the old Model-T Ford horn. It can be heard above the sound of every single machine in the shop..........even when I have on a my lead lined shooting muffs. I'm not quite sure how I'll connect it to a 9-volt system, but the horn itself is AC powered, so I'll have to figure that out. When I originally set up my shop, I tried a light, but couldn't get it to work so I could always be aware it was activating. The horn works great. In fact, if I'm outside the building......in-between the house and shop or even down at the barn, some 50 feet away, I can hear it. Just hope I can connect it into this intercom system. Might need some help from an old-timer telephone man who understands all these old mechanical phones. But I figured out how to get it to work before...............surely I can do it now. We'll see.
  7. Yup, cranking up the modulation and also having "more than legal" output power, would tend to mess with neighbor's receivers. I never did that, but there was a guy on the other side of town who did and every time he depressed the switch on his microphone, he overpowered every transmitter in town. A real pest, to say the least. I lived in Oklahoma City and there were night's I could catch "skip" and talk all the way to Alaska and that was with a legal power level. This has been fun walking down memory lane. Those days were a lot of fun in our country. Some of the best time in our country's history. Can't wait to get this new fiber optic internet system installed so I can drop my hard-wired land line. That's when I'll be able to dive into the house-to-shop intercom system. I think it'll be a fun project.
  8. Nice looking hooks. I've got a reference picture I took on a trip of some hooks like that. Have planned on making some like that some day.
  9. Base station, Frosty, base station.
  10. Amen. Masters of disinformation.
  11. "Those were the days", huh! Had myself a powerful base station with a 50' tower under a great big directional antenna and a D104 "lollipop" mike on the desk. Those were "shining times" for sure. Not a care in the world. But I digress. Intercom problem solved by a 9 volt batter and a resistor. Cheap at twice the price.
  12. "Breaker-breaker good buddy is your forge lit?"
  13. Shabumi, I just hope when he got home, it hit him you were just trying to help him. Give him the benefit of the doubt? I don't think so! Some people weren't raised right, IMHO!
  14. That's the category my little wife would be in, IFC. But I love her anyway.
  15. Wow, a 15 year collection of metal? That would be fun to tap into. I don't even have enough metal here to build a hammer and tong stand............had to go buy it from Metal Supermarket. Was way too expensive, but I wanted to build something with my new welder and didn't want to wait. Won't do that again!
  16. Dangit, you're catching on! "Always turn lemons into lemonade" as my Dad used to say..
  17. Amen to what Frosty said. Once an IFI member, you're a member of the family. Hang in there. I'm glad you are 36 and physically active.................that will help you a lot to fight this off. Keep us informed, Selph................most of us are really active "pray-ers" and will do our part for you.
  18. I'm glad to hear you say that. I have a huge coil spring that I picked up at the scrap yard and am presently trying to make my first pair of tongs with it. I keep pounding, but it doesn't seem to get any thinner! Was thinkin' it was the fault of this old man. Good to hear someone else suggest it's hard to move! WHEW!
  19. Naw, I don't believe it! That was drop forged in a foundry, Jennifer! The work you do is so perfect looking it's hard to believe it's made by hammer and hand. Really spectacular.
  20. That's how we ran the family business, Glenn. Dad's attitude was I'll buy it if the order will pay for it! From then on, the tool is "free" to make us money. Worked for him........not so much for my brother and me. Oh well, Dad was the "King", we were just the "naves".
  21. Indeed! Get crackin'. I bet there are some good small blades in that piece. Maybe for a small friction folder?
  22. No-no-no, pnut, don't give him any suggestions for how to salvage it. I want him to send it to me to see if I can cut some wood carving knife blades out of it.
  23. Steve, it matters a lot! If I were you, I'd pay to be tested because they are saying the blood of someone infected and recovered can be used to treat a lot of people who have it and aren't recovering.
  24. Hey, send it to me and I'll make some wood carving blades out of it.
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