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I Forge Iron

Chris C

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Everything posted by Chris C

  1. I've got good bits............they aren't from HF. I'll just get mild steel for now and quit messing with it.
  2. This is getting far too "compilated". I'm just going to take everyone's suggestion and just go get mild steel for these fullering arms.
  3. Waiting for them to cool down. We'll see what happens.
  4. Thanks, Buzzkill. I've been doing some on-line searches and it seems I can put a rosebud on my Oxy-Acetylene rig and heat it up to a blue color and then let it air cool.............or cool in vermiculite as you suggested. That should make it soft enough to drill. Will see what that accomplishes. Just don't have any vermiculite at the moment.
  5. I'm making a fullering jig. For the fullering arms, I've used leaf spring steel. I cut a 7" length in half and put the two pieces in the forge so I could straighten them for the jig. Air cooled them. Then I tried to drill holes so I could mount them in the jig. Steel had hardened. So I tried to anneal them in two 1-hour cycles in an oven at 400 degrees. Still too hard to drill. What have I done wrong?
  6. Yup, I know, Thomas. I've lost more knuckle flesh to 12" disc sanders, 8" belt sanders and even my little 1" belt sander than I care to remember. I've seen the bone a couple of times in my life. I figure this 2hp 2x72 will do a grand job of exposing knuckle bones also. Will definitely be careful but thanks for the advice.
  7. Chris C

    Buying Tongs

    Oh my God, Frosty, do people still talk on telephones????? "Air curtain"? I've never seen one on a gasser, Thomas. Any info/pics or whatever?
  8. Cheating? No kidding! That's way cool. But it gives me an idea for how to make something similar for my measly stash.
  9. I completely "got" the pun, Frosty...................just teasing because it came "out of the blue", so to speak. You're such a hoot, I never know what you're going to come up with next.
  10. Beautiful hammer..........but I'm with Frosty on this one. Not sure how effective a square "ball" is going to work for you. (Tiny Turner, Frosty????? Is your TBI acting up today?)
  11. I'd say you've a good handle on it, for sure. Nice looking job.
  12. That's disgusting, JHCC. Don't you know it's a sin to be such a braggart. I mean, after all, the old "mine is bigger than yours" attitude is for school kids. WHEW! Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I have to admit I'm drooling all over my keyboard and will probably short it out, so you're going to owe me a new one. I mean, I've got 3 hammers and two un-handled heads and think I'm in Heaven! With just a quick glance, I see at least a half dozen hammers in your rack I'd sure like to have in mine. One of these days, if I ever learn how to swing them, I'd sure like to have a "herd" of hammers like that.
  13. When I moved out here in the woods and set up our Llama breeding operation, I immediately started having problems with coyote and neighborhood dogs. At the time all I had to protect the Llamas was my Swedish Mauser 6.5x55. Dang that thing is a tack driver. Only took about 3 years and no coyote would come near the property and only those dogs that hadn't yet watched the demise of a cohort would dare to come near. I've been here 20 years now and I've "made my point" with all the 4-legged predators that this is a farm to bypass by a wide margin.
  14. JHCC, that's a pretty cool site. I'd like to be able to walk their isles.
  15. Like that cart. You've a lot neater places for rummage through than we have in my area. I've not seen steel shoe covers in a gazillion years. Those would be good to keep hot slag from starting a fire in your sneakers! (no I don't wear sneakers when I forge!)
  16. Well, I started on my fuller "arms" today. I had some truck leaf springs. Cut straight down the center they are about an inch and a quarter wide. I'll have to wait until I get some propane to straighten them out. Will start on the upright part of the jig tomorrow. I've got the Hardie hole post and the base of the jig welded together.
  17. Been in touch with Jose, of Pheer grinders. I ordered one of his 2x72 belt grinders today. Pretty pumped. Ordered it, a small wheel attachment and set of wheels. Pretty pumped. Tired of fighting my little 1x30. They work, but what a pain in the backside. This will be a really large step up for me. Pretty pumped. Any of you who have a 2x72 know the feeling. Did I mention I'm pretty pumped??????????
  18. You guys are going to turn me back into a drinkin' man!
  19. Gee thanks..................that'll make it even harder to get the image out of my brain, Thomas.
  20. It'll be a while until I get that image out of my head, Thomas.
  21. Getting ready to make a fullering tool that fits into my anvil's Hardie hole. Am I correct the arms making the fuller don't need to be hardened since they are striking steel brought straight out of the forge?
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