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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. Daswulf


    Wow still things I'm learning, it should notify you of comments on pictures. Or maybe I should caption my images I put up i didn't make these, I picked em up in a box lot at an auction for a buck. Had uploaded it to show someone in chat and see about possible uses or changing them to be useful. As of Saturday they have been used as pickup tongs and for picking clinkers out of my fire.
  2. I agree Charles, aside from the fact that I think it would be a sight to see my dad even screw in a light bulb. He never missed his screw drivers when we were little guys digging in the dirt with em. Wish I could have learned more from my grandfathers.
  3. Cheap? i'd have thought youd have 10 of everything by now so it wouldnt be worth it. you saying that gives me hope. your not cheap, just experienced.
  4. is this vid or am i off? it wont play for me.thinking it's two images... looks like higher carbon steel to my untrained eye
  5. Nice work Matto. look great.
  6. ah ok. no problem. just didnt want you doubting yourself. only person you really have to prove anything to is yourself well and the court. heres hoping you dont have to do that one ...
  7. Value is relative to the person/place. if it's worth it to you then it is. i would pay that without blinking an eye, fix it up and use it no problem. they do pop up around me from time to time but usually go for a little more/same in incomplete shape, or alot more in better shape. If the screw is good, and the jaws look pretty good to me, fix it up and use it. it'll last you many years. whats that worth?
  8. No problem keep us up on the fix. It could either help you or others. These posts are looked at by alot of people after the initial start of em. so pictures always help too.
  9. Sounds like the spring needs adjusted to put pressure on the jaw, and or the jaw needs some WD and loosened up. Not hard stuff there.
  10. Spring didn't look broken, looks like the bolt plate is broken and that can be fixed. Do yourself a favor and unwind the handle and check the threads on the screw. How do they look? Jaws look pretty good in my opinion.
  11. Darn, your on it! Nice work. I need that too on occasion.
  12. It can be fixed. In my opinion for where I'm at that's a good deal. I'd probably bought it and fixed it.
  13. not a lot of people heat with coal around here anymore since gas lines are about everywhere and most that I hear of that don't have gas use heating oil or electric. They even closed one or more coal fired electric plants. There may be more places to get coal but I haven't found em yet. How times change huh? I remember even before the strip mine that was all farmland. Sorry to have gone off topic a bit.
  14. If it were me I would make a reducer to make sure you get the full blast if you wanted/needed it. Less back pressure too. Sure the restricting plate would cause some anyway which I wouldn't think would hurt but it's just my opinion. There are different methods that would all work fine. I'm sure someone else would know better then me.
  15. I'm in PA and could even sit by the river and watch coal/coke going by in barges or trains all day but have only personally found one guy selling to everyday people. There are even coal mines all around me was a strip mine behind my house when I was younger. It's an industrial park now. Anyway it all goes somewhere. Mostly out of PA. Now we have the gas wells everywhere too. Anyway my supplier seems to be up and down on quality and size of the coal. I get hunks of shale in my forge on occasion. Clinkers arnt horrible tho.
  16. Welcome 4trout. This is a worthy hobby in my opinion, and you can make it as simple or involved as you want. There's all kinds of info here to get you going.
  17. yeah, that'll warm ya up in a hurry. Lol I make for a slow power hammer tho so remember when you signal to stop that 14 ponder is coming down one more time.
  18. Don't need mouse poison when ya got a bunch of cats. I also learned a lesson last year like Spanky mentioned I'll be sure to empty it this year and just fill it as needed.
  19. I know "those guys" and they know if they touch my tools that my 4# hammer will touch their head. I mean really they even want to borrow my shovel! For real. They can't even buy a cheap shovel? If the shop doesn't provide it then I'm sure as heck not providing it for the whole shop. Just like my jack and anything else. I brought my own for " my " convenience. Just because the shop jack is missing a wheel didn't mean they should come to Me and ask to borrow mine, I tell em to take it up with management. what kind of operation are they running here... If I bring it up to management they say no one ever brought anything to their attention. Oh yeah.... Hammers.. They know better and I have good friends I work with that watch my tools as I watch theirs.
  20. Thanks for the info Frosty. Can the 50/50 solution stay in the pvc tubing, is it safe for storing it in? And I'm not shy to pull out Mr. Lincoln for jobs. He has helped me out on many projects.
  21. Those are some great ideas, thanks SpankySmith and yesteryearforge. I had also been thinking about a top and bottom die that might be easy to make to form the "stem"part. Marcy that would make for it to be more functional. I like it.
  22. i agree with this. as of what i've been watching as of late. also liked Trenton Tye but he hasnt done anything lately. tho his vids inspired me to get a start at this.
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