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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by mcostello

  1. A trip to the shop beats a trip into town any day.
  2. My resolution is to "not make any more resolutions." So far successful.
  3. 1/2 of this world wants the other 1/2 to be the Minions.
  4. Sporks, the idea that sounds good,just don't work good.
  5. If You are really good why not make a spork?
  6. There is 1 more way than previously thought to cut a 45° angle wrong on angle iron.
  7. Grind with vengence, putty broadly, and use thick paint. OOPS too much information.
  8. Where can I get cheap coal, or steel or................... I have a friend that needs.......... and wants it cheap or free............ My arm is tired or I (sob) got a blister............. It looks easier on the Internet. I could do it at home cheaper if I wanted it to. My Grandfather was the best smith around..
  9. Some of Us will pound on the square peg and make it go through the round hole, whether it wants too or not.
  10. I see 6 pair of tongs holding a flame.
  11. Shoulda been a cowboy! Dead skunk-priceless.
  12. One more family with the pee pee warning, with Mum and 3 sisters it was fruitless.
  13. Out in the West Texas town of El Paso...................
  14. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Lion roars tonight.................
  15. Does it cook the chicken while They eat?
  16. Don't put a sintered bushing in Your pocket or on expensive paper either.
  17. He who makes several of a similar part and makes the last the same way as the first,has not been paying attention, or has made hundreds before.
  18. 4 rims stacked together, great idea, humm....................
  19. No one has mentioned a step on lid raiser similar to what is on waste baskets used in the kitchen. Could even be forged, staying related to the forum.
  20. In other words, Biggun You might as well save all of it except the glass. Keep it as assembled to keep the pile small. Sounds like Me, hardly scrap anything.
  21. I can't see anything South of the belt line here. I have a 150' driveway,just imagine having to shovel 6" of anything off of that and Your opinion of snow will change. Snow is not regular enough to store a snow blower and use it once every 5 or 6 years.
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