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I Forge Iron

Eddie Mullins

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Everything posted by Eddie Mullins

  1. I have found that for a quick evaluation of something some cheap steel tie wire is useful and can be quickly shaped by hand. Its not quite the full effect, but does provide a quick look, and certainly beats my drafting skills and saves on materials. I have also used wire creations as 3D models for reference while forging. I have only done this when I already had an idea in mind but think taking a few scrolls patterns and seeing what can be created from different combinations could be very productive, and fun : ) .
  2. I have a more pointed peen used for defining leaves, fish tail scrools, etc, and a larger radius I use some of the time for drawing out stock. My hammer collection continues to grow as my experience and skill progress, but I do have plans to a broader faced peen to the collection. Perhaps off topic, but is there a distiction between fullering and peening? To me peening come to mind when working on more detailed or small scale, and fullering for moving more material or when drawing out stock. This could of course be the simple misconceptions of a newbie.
  3. Thomas - I have seen the same support configuration on a commercial forge. Never thought of a scaled down version for the anvil. Frank - I can certainly seel where a helper would be very handy when welding solo. I'm still developing that particular skill set. My first thought is for that application the helper might work best on the far side of the anvil, I have this one set up for the near side, seems I may need to make a 2nd... perhaps the style Thomas suggested.
  4. NIce score and fab work! Equally good tips. I never thought about using reciever hitches for mounting. I am a little space contrained and this could be a great idea when I get around to doing some redseign and fabing working space in my shop. IFI comes through again : ) .
  5. Frosty - no I don't punch holes in longer stock that often, mostly for tongs. I was kind of in the same scenanrio as the one you described really, where I needed a solution when making these tongs. I had set out to make the tongs, but after I started punching the hole in the first one, I recalled the helper, and decided to just stop, make one and proceed. I do have a couple of adjustable stands but they are made with fairly large bases(legs) and are not really suitable for unless the stock is more than a couple feet long. Chinobi - that's an interesting stock stand. Base is small enough and its light enough I could see it as an option for use when support is need up close to the anvil. I have actually made an adjustable arm for use as a lantern holder etc out of round stock I think the same could be applied here with less complication. This would be a good excuse for me to make a monkey tool and swage ; ). The hardy mounted pritchel is something I thought about. I recall seeing a rotating pritchel, or I guess it would be more of a punch plate with different size holes in it. My anvil has a 3/4" hardy. I thought I could use 3/4" round and some flat plate to fab one.
  6. Thanks, anvil helper is probably a better term. Think I saw it on anvil fire, but didn't recall what it was called... Only issue I see with it right now is it prevents me from using the pritchel hole like when drifting, the hardy is available but does not provide the same support. Otherwise, very serviceable and easily removed or put in place when needed.
  7. I got around to forging a couple new tongs this weekend and an anvil support. I have only made 4 usable pair of tongs so far, so this pair increased my count by 50% : ) . I made a set of scroll tongs out of 5/8" round A36 with drawn out reins. This was my first set of scroll tongs to make and the first time to use 5/8" round to make tongs. I am real pleased with them. The other set I guess I would describe as narrow flat jaw tongs? I wanted something for working with small items like 3/8" split crosses, etc and these seem to be just the ticket. I made these with 1/2" round, flattening down around the boss area and left the remainder of the reins as is. I got tired of trying to hold longer stock between my legs while working so made the anvil support and used it while making the tongs and I think they are going to be another good addition to my tools. Nothing fancy, complicated or exceptionally well executed here, just thought I'd share : ) .
  8. I bought one Friday, did the same except a smaller table, don't see how I managed with out it now. It works great in my post vise, but I think I may make a base for it so I don't have to take it in and out of the vise. Or this could be an excuse to get another vise : ) .
  9. I have been thinking about buying one for this very purpose. I have a 20% off coupon in my pocket right now. Glad to hear from others it seems to work.
  10. They look great to me. I added to the scrap pile on my first couple of attempts. I still need to make some scrolling tongs myself. I've made about 4 usable pair now, no scroll tongs yet. I also dealt with the cracking at the boss. I think I was working too cold. You might want to try some 1/4 x 3/4 for tongs used on smaller stock, its working pretty well for me.
  11. I think any smith would be proud to have that beauty in their shop. I own a single 70 lbr at the moment, I'm just hoping to get in the 3 digit weight category one day LOL.
  12. I think you have a winner there! I like the design you came up with for the top.
  13. Thanks the wood is just red oak available from a local box store. I thought it would do well for me to learn to shape handles, and can be replaced later if I decide to. I can tell you got a work out filing this one LOL. I just finished another knife, much larger, but forged much closer to shape, and took less file work.
  14. I wish you luck as well, but it doesn't seem to me your heart is still in it, otherwise you would find a way. May your next hobby be an enjoyable and fruitful one.
  15. Been waiting a while to update this. Glad to see IFI back up and running. Well here is where I am currently , just about finished.
  16. Very nice indeed. A tool I definitely need to add to my collection. I was thinking about cheating and welding one :unsure: .
  17. Thought I would share my current work in progress, a small game skinner I designed that will be my first knife to really finish properly. I hope to put it to use this fall on some racoons. I drew out the sketch a made myself a pattern, this was a first for me at this. Next cut a piece of leaf spring, I had to kind of guess at the size of the material needed. I forged to rough shape, it ended up being a little larger than desired so I had to do a little trimming. Then I went to work with hand files and started profiling the knife. I am just about ready for heat treat. Hope to finish it this weekend. I'll post pics when I do.
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