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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Golden_eagle

  1. toss it in the MACK and we'll take it over to the shop...
  2. We have a 12Gauge loaded with bird shot, a 45-lbs pull bow, and soon to have a 120-lbs crossbow(<--Mine, will be kept next to a quiver of arrows)
  3. No... We just got tickets from the Village of yesteryear, We get in free and advertise for them for a bit and go our ways.
  4. Mines Makeshift too, (Old tux pants, White pocket less shirt, Old leather vest, and leather shoes...)
  5. Is any one else going to be at the NC state fair tomorrow? (I want to know if their could be anyone off Iforge) I will be one of the tall ones in Colonial garb Chattering about the village of yesteryear, Please try to respond BEFORE 2:00PM Thursday, October 16th.
  6. I nominate HammerKid, Even though i fit the Specifications, HammerKid is much more active then me (my deep fried forge has something to do that.), and MUCH more submersed in the art of blacksmithing,
  7. A .50/60 cal. muzzle loader, and a blackpowder breech loading shotgun(12 gauge)
  8. I have $2400 into my forge currently, But i'd not sell it for a cent under $5500,
  9. My shop is built to the north of the house.... the compass has always pointed to it!
  10. Check for burrs inside the tip (the hole in the $0.50 pipe across the top) if its a aspirated burner. I had similar problem,
  11. twisted square bar stock for the handrails... good looking and very bumpy...
  12. I have a gas forge, but i have experimented with wood(charcoal) forges. during this build you can make a Ground forge by digging two holes next to each other and putting a tunnel between them and hairdryer in one hole and fire in the other
  13. My dads being deployed to Iraq in a few weeks, first time its happened in 20 years in the service, we've been blessed so far.
  14. What you would get is mokume gane, I have done some research on the subject, You would have to form every thing before bonding or you would splash molten copper all over the place,
  15. You don't need a post vise right as you start. I've been smithing for six-seven months and I still use a mechanics bench vise(the kind you can get at any hardware store), and for an anvil you just need a hunk of steel bigger than your hammer(try a tractor weight, its big, heavy, and if you live in the country side- easy to come by.), Other than that good luck and keep at it!
  16. I going to get a load of horse shoes and old rasps from a guy we used to go to church with. I'll make a snakehide-antler knife and post a picture in the knife thread.
  17. I have the previous style of the 1-burner Bladesmith/welding forge from Diamondback, its a small operation but Mr.Meyers a blacksmith building for the needs of blacksmiths, i know i sound like a walking advertisement but My single burner diamondback forge heats faster than My uncle Kelly's two burner NC tool whisper daddy
  18. I've only been forging for six months and i have more scars on my left hand than i care to count.
  19. My family is very good friends with a few farmers around here, most won't let me leave without taking some old broken tool, last time i went Dad had to drag me away from the scrap pile and i still walked away with a heap of steel (and an anvil.)
  20. I like tru-temper, Hatashi, Milwaukee, and bobcat. We've own at least one tool from every brand, these are just some of my preferred brands.
  21. I use a Diamondback ironworks forge, its good- and can weld Link:http://www.diamondbackironworks.com/GOOGLE9e64d9483d5b3dca.html
  22. this thread is to small to post all the stuff i re-use, almost all the stuff i forge is 'junk' and my anvil is a tractor weight (i call it a 'generic brand'-inside joke) the stand is reclaimed lumber, the forge stand is an old skill saw table and pavers.
  23. Other... I have a Venturi gas forge, so a Combustion forced vacuum.
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