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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Golden_eagle

  1. On topic:I was five when i first hit hot iron, almost a decade passed then i got back into it, 8 is a good age to learn the basics, Off topic: Hammerkid- 5'4"? I'm 5'10" &3/4 but i'm a handful of months older than you...
  2. Bear....................
  3. This is my business card: Note: address removed for security reasons... i live near Smithfield if you want to know... And that is Just one of them! PS: how on earth do you get it to display a thumbnail? Use this link How to post an image on IFI
  4. I have seen copperheads, and Cottonmouths here... I rarely see the Copperheads but have shot two and dropped an Axe on one of the three cottonmouths that i have crossed paths with,
  5. Thanks Hillbilly! The explanation of rod comp. will help out a lot!
  6. I have a chisel made out of rebar, I've cut cement, wood, cold metal, hot metal, nails, screws, bolts and my finger with it... Never under estimate scrap.
  7. You rub it on your work at black heat to give it a weatherproof coating it lasts a month in the west, i have no clue what its like their so i can't say how long it'll last in china.
  8. New from the local alchemist(Or Google): If you've had a hammer crack on you; (like me) More heat, longer heat, short time out of the fire. also to correct myself- Dollar tree hammers are Half-decent steel, Not cast iron. Bright orange is the coldest we should be going until the third heat/or till its thinner (Round 1/4 in.) As soon as i get a cheap hammer I'll post some pictures
  9. Victory is just a Musket ball(or bullet) away Who said it first? don't ask me...
  10. A.s.t... The head was likely to cold, but i know for a fact that dollartree hammers are cast iorn.
  11. I agree with Duck- Wasszit?
  12. Yes its AC/DC, And I know where welding rods are available, Crunch- thanks for the hint about the $50 Northern Tool auto-dark mask, the one i was looking at was $99.
  13. I'm being given a OLD(14-45 years out of service) 240amp 220volt Craftsman stick welder and some old hard facing rods(around 200 or so) I Know i need a mask, gloves and Some scrap to learn on... Am i missing anything? (other than normal welding rods)
  14. And chisel: device for removing anything you don't want removed... (such as fingers)
  15. Smash..........................
  16. I paid $0.54 per pound for a cast iorn one from a tool store, to quote My uncle Kelly- cast iron will work untill you get better at hammer control, its better to knick up a cruddy cast iron anvil then put a bunch of half-moon dings in a nice one.
  17. Glenn beat me to the punch... I'd suggest the following online sites: Top 50 Blacksmithing Sites< informative/inspartional Diamondback Ironworks< good Gas forges Anvils can be Improv.(Tractor/bulldozer parts) made DIY (Steel plate/slegehammer head in cement *!*not as long lasting as real anvil*!*) Or got from Nortern tool, harbor freight, or NC tool-NCTOOLCO.COM< anvils
  18. I had a similar problem... but hornets don't tast that good.
  19. KUTHUNK KUTHUNK KUTHUNK CHKINNG SWUH SWUH WAHK! (powerhammer spring snaping and hitting cinder block wall)
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