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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Bigred1o1

  1. this is fantastic i am betting it brought is some bucks for the church this would be a heck of a piece for any local vineyard or restaurant
  2. lol i was looking at that tonight thinking how nifty it was as well but the price was a bit much for a nifty item
  3. i think if you look at the photo again you will see that is a second hardie tool sitting on the far side of the anvil
  4. good stuff tim i will be looking forward to it
  5. that is one fine looking post anvil you have there tim
  6. that link is to a very very small salesman sample anvil that would not work for you it would fit in the palm of your hand
  7. having done a good chunk of bronze pores i think the other factor is you can have a larger crucible vs space in the furnace with one upright and as stated above for the 2 man lifts its very handy anyway have you thought about doing a forge/furnace that you could stand on end when you are using it as a furnace with a hinged id and then orient it sideways with a then hinged front door for use as a forge just my 2cp
  8. sounds like i have some nails to drive home it was interesting shooting was the same way having to merer my stance from right to left handed the big part is going to be finding out if the strength is there about 15years ago i took a header while snowboarding and ended up doing some nerve damage to my left arm i had thought i had it just about back to good but now and then it dose something odd all in all this has a lot of interest in it for me and with i think be much more entertaining when i am a bit farther along on the mend the idea of driving nails had never crossed my mind that is going to be the first thing i try after the cows have had their feed in the morning and i can get into the shop
  9. thanks mark i am not having so much of a problem with where the hammer is going as in getting the proper force behind it and getting my body in line with the swing i had a similar problem when i was teaching myself to shoot left handed this fall it will take a while to get it right but getting a quick gripe out of the way here and then having it followed up with some good advice was just what i needed
  10. yeah its going to be the silver lining i am hoping that comes out of this i have a order for 26 wall hooks to hang rifles and rolling pins from i was not looking forward to doing now its perfect all of them are going to be made out of 1/2 or 1/4 inch stock so its going to be nice light repetitive work perfect for a hammer with training wheels on it
  11. its odd i am used to using my left hands for many things having been a potter at one point and a glass blower i am used to having to do 2 things simultaneously but the hammering is moderately aggravating but in the long run it seems like a very good still to pick up for when doing a long job to be able to give my arm a wrest i know its within my ability to do it when i was teaching people how to throw pots i taught myself how to throw left handed so that i could sit in front of a few people facing them and demonstrate and not have my body in the way and my hands would be oriented they same way as theirs were so far all i can say is my left arm is a wuss and reluctant to take directions
  12. yeah that was about what i thought but i was hoping for some magic fix like its a cinch just put your left boot on your right foot and your right boot on your left foot it might pinch a bit but presto there you got hammer away like a champ and yes i gone back to my favorite soft hammer and i am tapping away so far no divots in the anvil and my left handed stick welding is coming along quite nicely way better than i would have thought in fact
  13. has anyone out there had any luck switching from right to left handed hammering (i have no problem stick welding left or right handed) but hammering just has me stumped but due to gravity and a ice ( i fell out of a tractor bucket and 8ft or so) and landed on the edge of a metal gate this had the result of cracking one rib, a small rip in my Thoracic diaphragm(non birth control) from my rib cage and doing a good bit of damage to the cartilage(soft bits on the front of the ribs where they curve up and connect to the sternum) anyways its made hammering right handed quite painful and i have a few jobs to do that i would like to keep working on so long story short any thoughts/tricks for switching your handedness thanks all will be well this is more of a discomfort thing and knowing me i will forget and aggravate it as i go along but this had more just got me thinking about how dependent i am on my right hand/arm for most of what i do
  14. it might be easer to just upload the video to youtube and then link to it on the scrap yard front some of my happiest dreams were of "waking up to find that there was a big old scrap yard over the hill from me lol (this might count as a you know your a blacksmith if.... moment)
  15. that is a very rusty saw tuner its used for setting the angle of saw blade teeth
  16. i am sorry for your suffering but with my good old dislexia fired up i had to reread this three times before i stopped reading it as catholic instead of chataholic
  17. that kills me Judson i just saw that press today but i had no way of going to look at it well glad to know it went to some good hands
  18. ok no one yell at me but i have really enjoyed working on fisher anvils they have good rebound and are fairly quite i have owned a 80lb a 120ish and a 150lb fisher and i like the shape of the horn and in general they have served me well admittedly my current one has disintegrating feet but once i get some free time and a good deal on some welding rod i am planing on flipping him upside down and doing some reconstruction
  19. in the summer i have a full mutton chops and a goatee in the winter i let them grow together i used to have a full on afro as well but thinning hair and getting my head bumped the door to a annealing oven (900*f) when the person i was working with shut it a little to quickly and subsequently setting my hair on fire has enraged me to get rid of the afro and go with a inch or so of hair from cheeks to whats left on top
  20. its not right on top of you but i saw this on CL http://plattsburgh.c...2782052235.html
  21. Krisfaeth when you have the time can you put up a photo of this we have three John Deere tractors we bring in to get serviced at our local dealer and i am thinking the next time i am drive the bucket tractor over i might see about getting permission to take a dip in the scrap pile and i would like to see what to look for
  22. nice vid i have a bucket of these that i found when cleaning out one of our out buildings and i had no idea this is what they were for thanks i had always thought they were for stoping splits in beems
  23. this has the dating info you are looking for in it i know there is probably a more comprehensive vidio out there but this one should get you the dating info you are looking for
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