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I Forge Iron

fat pete

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Everything posted by fat pete

  1. I will take some pics and maybe some vids and get them to ya
  2. we got a big ole well...so thats rain water only filtered!! Fat Pete
  3. I will be there....thats just up the road maybe 35 miles for me.... Fat Pete
  4. I used some spikes for another project I did a while ago....I got them from a rr employee. When he brought the spikes over he said "they aint as easy to get as years ago" he said not to ever try and pick them up. as far a walking down the tracks....we have tons of rr track...I live near Reading PA ....Reading Railroad ...monopoly .... they put all these trails down the tracks...you can make to Valley Forge on the bike trails...there is lotsa junk laying around at all the old stops....they are working tracks too, right aside of the bike paths...cool ride
  5. I already do that with all the little techniques i try.....I have all kinds o 1/2 made do dads flying around....i am a beginner so everything is just begun... FP
  6. the way it reads is a rr cop can do anything any cop in the state can do in or around rr property and or matters off the the property. he prolly doesnt need warrants or probable cause on rr property....he can prolly beat the crap outta ya with out as much of a problem as a cop. Same with postal inspectors....they got some pull too
  7. rise, rise rise.....did I goof?
  8. ever see the guy on ebay who sells spike knives...engle I think his name is...he claims it is theft to pick up rr spikes from the tracks. you must obtain some kind of salvage license. i bet it is a distance you must keep from the tracks...we have a bike path that runs right alongside of the rr.
  9. live live live.....forever
  10. took me 7 hrs to get there and 7 to get home!! worth every mile
  11. ha dont need an anvil but some raisin stakes would be cool 1 anywya
  12. You could slice off 1"-2", flatten it into a disc and raise a bowl from the disc. thats what i was thinking...never did anything like that
  13. oo i wouldnt ruin that i like things like tha laying around.
  14. oh 1 other thing heatreating...nessecary or not..simple air cool?
  15. i can see me now chasing all over the area chasing ball bearings...lol good thanks guys i kinda thought about most of the methods except the ball bearing...or the jig to hold 'em...I will try a few methods tomorrow and see what I come up with.... THX what a help fp
  16. I have a 2" x 8" round bar of copper. Would it be to tuff to cut little 1/8" discs off and drawing them out to be leaves or something.....what would you all do with a bar like that? FP
  17. ok, I figure most of your punches and chisels are made by yourself....considering your working with some stainless, tool or just plain old steel and you want to use some punches for making eyes or some kind of texture finish...I guess you make them....cool How? Chisels are relatively self explanatory. any angled or straight edge could be ground or existing chisel could be reworked...the punches have me somewhat pusseled. I could make a rise and/or dent in the tip. I could see somekind of set up for the drill press. I could see making an olval by drilling in the stock a litle and maybe distorting the hole with a hammer and grinding the edge..but how would u make an eye for instance? FP Fp
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