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Everything posted by Fosterob

  1. I think that these large corporations that make overhead lifting equipment know what they are doing and have large amounts of safety built in to their products. One reason is they have DEEP pockets and any injury from failure would likely mean a cash payment and legal fees. These companies use a certain size beam for a certain span and load, I would not even think twice about using the same size members for my shop. Rob
  2. Down here there is one cert for wire welding structural, dual shield and innershield are the same cert. My preffered wires are esab core 8 and 7100 ultra dual shield. Core 15 is a good all around wire that is always in one of my machines. Rob
  3. Do not try to re invent the wheel here, copy something that has been properly engineered. I use the dearborne crane site. It lists all sizes and spans with other info as well. Link: http://www.dearborncrane.com/pdf/gantry/gantrybro.pdf Rob
  4. My nazel 2b is mounted on a 3" steel plate and is just sitting on a bed of railroad ties set in bedrock. No anchors of any kind and it has not walked at all and has been there for 4 years now. Rob
  5. Cool. Is it welded in the middle (freespan) or does it sit on a center support? Rob
  6. Yea, it looks like it is also a kiss block. Rob
  7. I second what Phil said. Must reenforce NO WIRE WHEEL. Even if they are dull keep them for chasing (cleaning) rusty threads so you dont wear out sharp ones doing it. I would oil and leave them alone. Rob
  8. I was wondering about that also. Now that the door has been opened... Maybe too much Archie Bunker? Still wasted from drunken forging? Oh thats Meat-HEAD :lol: In all seriousness though it is good to be reminded of these basics from time to time. Thanks. Rob
  9. No back strain in the future for this smith. Goes to show you need to be comfortable at your hammer, these guys are comfortable at theirs, no-one else may be but it is no-one elses machine either. Just quick examples of extremes. Rob
  10. This one is a little low for my taste. My 2b is set about 40" off the floor and I am 6' tall. another inch or two higher may be in the future for me here. Rob
  11. I think that looks like it was mase by the ACME doorstop company. Rob
  12. 75 kilo kohlshwa in mint condition I paid $200 for, maybe the guy used it 3 or 4 times before figuring knifemaking wasnt his gig. Rob
  13. Big brother is watching all the time. Watching you watch this. http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/05/2011531125012985362.html
  14. For all you who are obviously interested in immigration, here is a link for y'all. http://www.immigrationforum.org/ Rob
  15. Thank you John for pointing this out. If I remember my history correctly California was "discovered" in 1542 by Juan Cabrillo who was working for Spain and until 1848 when statehood happened was under various spanish and mexican control. Seems to me that here in Cali anyway that the spaniards and mexicans had this for twice as long as it has been a state. That is why we on the left coast may be more relaxed. Here is some history on our name: California was the name given to a mythical island populated only by beautiful Amazon warriors, as depicted in Greek myths, using gold tools and weapons in the popular early 16th-century romance novel Las Sergas de Esplandián (The Adventures of Esplandián) by Spanish author Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. This popular Spanish fantasy was printed in several editions with the earliest surviving edition published about 1510. In exploring Baja California the earliest explorers thought the Baja Peninsula was an island and applied the name California to it.[7] Mapmakers started using the name "California" to label the unexplored territory on the North America west coast. Rob
  16. Sign on the u-tube said May 27-30, 2011, starts tomorrow. Rob
  17. Congrats on the pipe. I had rented a trencher once to dig a new trench for the phone company and did water lines everywhere I could think of at the time especially to where I will build the shop.I got the biggest one they had and it went very fast for about 1000 ft total. Nice view also. Rob
  18. That looks nice, Did you have to support the top in any way? 3/8" thick marble seems kind of thin if something heavy is set on it. Rob
  19. Matthew, Thank you for the translation. It is nice to know for sure what it says. Rob
  20. Mattinker, I found another pic of my anvil, with writing on it. Story I was told when I bought it was this anvil was brought to the USA from France to Kenneth Lynches shop when they repaired the Statue of Liberty with the French shop that made it. They did not want to ship the anvil home with them. I have never got the writing translated (can't read French). Rob
  21. That first pic looks like this one. Even the welding machine in the same spot. What other info do you have on your anvil? Are you in France? Mine is 400 lbs and has had a new tip welded on the round horn. That was done long before I owned it so I don't know what rod was used. Rob
  22. I was sorry to hear your sad news, our thoughts and prayers are with your family. Rob
  23. Clearing land of brush & trees? Connect between two large cats and drive.
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