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Everything posted by clinton

  1. I think I may have figured out the problem that has been keeping me from uploading pictures, thanks to the advise of David Einhorn. The size was too big (what used to work does not work now)
  2. clinton

    Post vise ?

    Search your local craigslist every day and you may get lucky. I found 6 vices of various sizes, some were missing springs and brackets, but they all had good screws. I bought the whole lot for $280.00, the guy was going to a baseball game that night and needed beer money. There was one real nice 6 inch vise in the bunch missing the spring and bracket- an easy fix for a black smith, the screw is the main thing that I look at, bent legs and jaws that do not line up can be corrected.
  3. Ok thanks for the explanation, I will give that a try. I have been using Picasa but that works in a different way
  4. Looks good. How did you get the pictures uploaded? I still keep getting the error500.
  5. Hey Rusty- you ever weld inside a pipe? I did some welds inside 54 inch pipe, you get sparks flyin in from all sides. Had to skate in there on a creeper about half a mile- good times I will tell you what. One of the only times I had to drag up, I went into the office at the end of the day and told them to mail my check and hire a replacement and the guy said something about "burning my briges" I told him burning is too slow, blowing them up is my method. Stop, drop and roll!!!!
  6. The one that I did is a fire place set not a chandelier, I am having trouble with pictures or I would post them
  7. I think that is the tool he used to make the collar Beth. I had a problem with the one I did, I wanted to draw out a taper and forge into a ring on top. It started to split open so I took a good heat, added some flux and got it back together. I decided to just go with a forged point
  8. I did a forge welded bundle this week for a fire place set. I also have a side draft hood. I just heated up two of the arms and then pulled on the ends with a pair of tongs, put it back in the fire for the other side. I would post a picture but I keep getting an error500
  9. I will have to post a picture later as I am sure to get the same error as Fe-Wood those sure are some good looking dogs I have 4 dogs and wish I could adopt some more
  10. No fines, as long as you make the changes in time. I called them up because I was unsure about the one "violation" it said something about a "structure" so I wanted to know what it was that they saw before I started taking anything down
  11. I have a brother that is a Jar-head, I will have to give him a call. I wonder if that bull dog still out ranks him Thanks for your service guys
  12. Sounds like "Trouble in Paradise" (sorry had to do it) Code enforcement can be a pain, they came through my neighbor hood a few years back and got every one that had broken down cars in their driveway. They got me for a car in the driveway that I had a non-op on, it ran but was not registered. They also tagged me for a carport type tent that I had behind the fence in the driveway. I had 3 days to fix the "Violations" or the would levy a fine, like $300 per item. I had to insure the car and register it and I took down the tent and covered the stuff with a tarp. I saw the code enforcement guy come around about a week later to see that everyone complied, he drove by looking and taking notes.
  13. Its not rocket science, but you need to have the proper equipment. If the ground is uneven or dirt I would get an all-terrain fork lift that is rated for the load. Keep your load low until you you are in position to place it on the truck or trailer. Slow steady movement of the controls- no herky-jerky. An experienced operator can go a long way
  14. He can come over and split some Eucalyptus for me, three wedges and about 30 minutes to split a log is what it took me. Log splitter or chainsaw is the only way.
  15. http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/24212-the-bradley-has-landed/page__hl__bradley__fromsearch__1 Four chains and four binders will keep the hi-way patrol happy. This is a properly secured load. Most hammers balance well when picked up in the "C" area of the frame, if there is a motor mounted this may throw it off balance and you may want to remove the motor to make things easier.
  16. That's a tough one- I have been lucky and have neighbors that do not mind what I do. I also work during "normal " hours. Also I do not think that the cops here would ever respond to a noise issue, I am sure they are too busy trying to deal with gang activity and such. They will only make a noise violation call after 10:00 PM (My friends have a band) If it is a smoke issue you can get coke from John Mclellan in Loomis it burns cleaner than coal and you get about the same amount of heat as with coal.
  17. Welcome to IFI. Where are the classes at in Sacramento? Learn the basics first and go from there, I agree with Mark on this
  18. Rebound is over-rated- put the material between the dies and forge. Plain and simple, rebound does very little when it comes to moving metal
  19. it does not matter- you are forging hot metal it moves easy mild steel would work for dies
  20. Quick and cheap are not good factors when building a power hammer. I would try to find a used one that will suit your needs. You will spend more time and money building a hammer, much time will be lost just finding the material, not to mention design changes to any plans that you may acquire along the way. Changes to a plan will be necessary if you use scrounged materials and it is hard to foresee other components that will be affected later on in the build, leading to more changes and more time. If you want to save time and money find a used hammer.
  21. Looking good, the project is coming along nice, I look forward to seeing the final project
  22. The only swage blocks that I have seen that are cast steel are the Yater blocks
  23. I made some out of 4140 and just used them as forged- no heat treatment. They are holding up just fine
  24. I will not pay for than $50.00 for a vice unless it is BIG (6 inch & up) I found a nice little Peter Wright at an antique fair and convinced the seller that is was worth much less than the $80.00 that he wanted because the screw box was blown out. $40.00 and I was packing it out of there (the screw box was split open only the last 1nch no big deal) sold it to Fewood for $50 after I repaired the screw box
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