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I Forge Iron

strange anvil

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Yeah it does look upside down. But as Philip says, they would flip the anvil around and use every surface. It may well be that that is the hardy hole. The face was small and the maker may have wanted to avoid compromising the face and the steel plate if there is one. No doubt it was used as a handling hole during forging. Hardy holes werent standard in those days. Is the bick included?

If I were in Europe, I would buy it in a heartbeat

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Ok guys now you really have me wondering what to do with it...
first, i was actually looking for something small, that i can put in my van, for on site work (max 50 kg) and demos..
second, i alreddy have a big anvil (400 kg) sitting in the garage, whaiting for a fix up..
third, i don't think i can really afford it at the moment... (my girlfriend is in between jobs.. so living of one income around here doesn't realy give you much playing room),
.. so i don't know what to do with it, maybe make a low bit, and see what happens..?
annyway if annybody wants to buy it, i can get it for you, it is really close to where i work.. and i could perhaps even store it for ya, for a whille (no worries, i won't be using it, not enough space in my shop at the moment).
so what to do with it?......
bye the way, yes the beak is included with it.!

Edited by Johannes
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Lol, tell her it's to make here some lovely garden euqipment or flowers. If she still buys it. Lol.

Oh you ARE a smooth one aren't you. ;) You'll go far.

The only problem with that strategy is Deb would want me to make her a garden.

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I agree with FTK: it's upside down. Looks like a 19th century "cathedral window" anvil, rather than mediaeval. These aren't that rare in Europe.
Mediaeval anvils seem mostly to have been square or pentagonal or hexagonal block anvils. This guy did some decent research on anvils and has a nice website: A Gallery of Early Blacksmithing.
Anyone who knows about other pictures/drawings of 16th century and older anvils: feel free to let me know. They're rare.

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Welcome Gearjunkie.

At our last meeting one of the guys brought his wrought pocket protector with it's collection of miniature smithing tools for show and tell.

At one time he worked with engineering type geeks and wanted to fit in.


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