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I just got off the Phone with Robert,

y’all may know him by his handle on here Anachronist58

his wife has been in a bad way for several months, she got a staph infection in her foot to start with that ended up putting her in the hospital for a month

then she got to come home for a rough month and then the antibiotics took over and destroyed her system,

it sent her back to the hospital and now they are wanting to send her to a skilled nursing facility 

on top of that They ran into bad trouble with some live in Help,  on two separate occasions that turned out really bad for them…

Robert is going to try and fight it to bring Sheila back home and be her caretaker himself if it comes to that 

please keep them both in your prayers while they are going through a bad time 


That's hard news Billy and worse that they can't rely on in home care.

Do they have a gofund me? I'd sure like to do more than pray for them.

Frosty The Lucky.



Robert didn’t mention anything about a go fund me, 

From the conversation it sounds like he’s just trying to hold everything together right now

He said he’s been pretty down for the last several months 

I asked him if he wanted to post on here to let everyone know and talk about it with some support but he said no for the moment, he wasn’t interested in participating in the forum right now… 

I asked him if it was okay if I said something on here and he said that was okay, 

poor guy has his elderly parents to worry about too… 

so everyone who knows him should really give him a call an check on him and Sheila! 

They can really use the support right now!


My prayers for Sheila and Robert and their struggles. Such a good and genuinely kind couple. Robert has been through so much and has been so kind and outwardly supportive to others. They are on my list. I am so sorry to hear they are in a very rough time. 


   Sheila and Robert will be in my prayers.  My thoughts right now are strength and positivity for you, Robert, health for Shelia, and brighter, happier days ahead for both of you.

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