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I Forge Iron

MPa and how to figure it out for different metals

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Are you asking about the air supply or smelting in a sealed system?   (And are you really interested in smelting ore into metal or did you mean melting metal for casting?)

These types of questions require a LOT of details.  The inlet pressure for a blast furnace that's 100' high is MUCH greater than for a short stack Scandinavian bloomery furnace that was originally hand powered air through bellows!

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Or is still researching how to ask their question in a way that makes sense and allows for a good applicable answer.  We all have a lot more "context" in our heads that we need to remember to provide to others when asking about something.  For example "Can I lift a rock" is too broad to answer compared to "Can I lift this rock that Crushed my D6 Bulldozer?"  Some  people get embarrassed when they realize they have asked a question without enough information in it to be answerable and  avoid it.

I have a difficulty in that I often see many more possibilities in questions where the original poster may only see one straightforward possibility in their question.  Why I am often asking for more details.  (Now I can pity my teachers who had to deal with me pointing out that their test questions could have multiple answers as they did not constrain them properly!)

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Steve, that video is amazing/disturbing, politically correct did not exist in that time.

Its always such a joy seeing the Curmudgeons react to someone who has no idea what they are asking or reading the "read this first" section (maybe it needs to flash in large friendly letters, 2 points if you know where that is from)

Making hollandiase is easy, just tell the wife that if she really loves you she should make it.;) (Deimos is not responsible for any damage to household items, medical bills or nights on the couch)

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