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1978? :huh: With my memory, breakfast was the good old days! I have to leave the dishes out so I don't eat meals several times. Nothing kills your apatite like eating 4-5 meals a day!

1 hour ago, Nodebt said:

Right up until there is a colossal coronal mass ejection.  Then... 

Not to be confused with a coast to coast, "Corona mass infection." Right?:o

Yes, both, Thomas. Dad read the old Tom Swift in the 40s, said they were the only science fiction worth reading and Mother got my first anthology. I don't think I noticed Tom Swift Jr. until I ran across the complete Tom Swift Jr. anthology in a used book store. Turned out I'd already read most of them I just didn't notice "Jr." 

Good old Tom, he always worked with the latest tech didn't he? Must be a Swift family trait, might have to work on some Tom Swift the 3rd. parodies. Wait if there aren't any stories I they can't be parodies can they? Hmmmmm. Spoofs then. How about, "Tom Swift The 3rd. And The Subatomic Airplane,"?

Remember Dick Tracy's two way wrist TV? Apple proved a wrist TV wasn't going to sell. What I really want is Dick Tracy's magnetic air car, the flying trashcan thing will do nicely thank you.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Lots of them out there---they just needed to be written

Tom Swift III and the Nasty Nanobots

Tom Swift III and the Mind Control Cell Phones

Tom Swift III and the AI AI AI AI

Tom Swift III and his CRISPR Critters


Who could forget the Outer Limits---"An Example must be Made"  words to destroy by! (The Sixth Finger, David McCallum, first season)

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I must not have said it well, I leave my dishes out so I do NOT kill my appetite. Ah HAH! You got me George! Spell check liked both Apatite AND appetite so I went with the wrong one. So, now I had to do a little search to find out what:unsure: you were talking about. 

Good one! Ain't serendipity a wonderful thing? I'll be grinning and chuckling all evening. :lol:

Frosty The Lucky.

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12 hours ago, Frosty said:

Shouldn't my  nose grow every time I enter my sign off?

You must be kidding Frosty - I want to come to your place just so you can rub some of your luck off on my head!  But I will not do it.  I would rather give you some of mine!

Remember the monthly Analog Magazine?


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I subscribed to Analog in my teens and 20s.  It had a significant influence on me.  I finally disposed of the old copies on this last move.  I hate to discard reading material but we were downsizing and I hadn't reopened them in years.  I gave them to the local library for their take one (or more) free box.  I hope they find a good home(s).

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand." 

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2 hours ago, Anachronist58 said:

I want to come to your place just so you can rub some of your luck off on my head!

Oh NO :o you don't Robert, my luck seems to like a tree to do the head rubbing! If you ever make it up this way give a shout I'll show you some of the sights and tip you to others. We can swap horse shoes or something safer than rubbing heads. ;)

Oh yeah I remember Analog, a friend subscribed and I used to read his. I've never been into magazines, I don't know why not but they've never been my thing, I rarely even opened Boy's Life when I was a scout. 

We feel the same about reading material, I have I don't know how many boxes of paper backs in the basement, a couple pickup loads easy. I really should see about moving them out but it's so against my nature I almost won't even look at the stacks. Of boxes. One of the real road blocks will be sorting, there are a number I'm not willing to part with, mostly paleontology and similar texts from the days I could afford serious bookage. 

Deb and I will have to downsize one of these days, if for nothing else than to live on a single floor. There are some things that will really hurt to let go. Hopefully someone will want them I may have to leave my Soderfors for the estate sale though. :ph34r:

Frosty The Lucky.

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I remember getting "The Last Whole Earth Catalog" for Christmas---and my Grandfather being so interested in it that we ended up giving him my copy and getting another for me.  He was/is a tinkerer and I wish I could say I have it in my genes; but it's nurture over nature in this case. (My grandfather by blood died young in a farming accident when my Mother was a little child.)

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  Its too bad most books and magazines dont retain their value.  You can't give them away.  Our library used to take them for their annual sale but I guess they got swamped and stopped.  Im moving, so books are a big problem.  I found a drive thru liquer store that takes them for a charitable cause, so we have just started dropping off our unwanted ones there.  We are putting a few of the keepers in each box packed with lighter stuff to spread out the weight.  I have totes of Rock and Gem magazines, Iron Men Albums, Old West and on and on.  What to do with them all... I found that when deciding what to pitch and what to keep, do NOT start reading/browsing through them.  "Why I can't part with this...."  "I might like to read these on a cold, wintery old night".  You must be impartial.  Ruthless.  Cold blooded even.  I haven't gotten very far.

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Our church accepts book donations for the food bank/store. We've down sized our dishes and cook ware there already.

I've resigned myself to getting rid of everything but my text books. And my D&D manuals of course! 

Sorting through is a sure way to keep everything. Just a rough look see for texts and the few keepers I know are there, then into a box I can carry up the stairs and to the church or used book store. If the used book store will give me a nickle each I'll bank it for audio books. Well, maybe yard saling.

Frosty The Lucky.

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A simple way to demonstrate the utility of books in our craft is to take a doubter to the smithy and place a book on the anvil and hit it with a hammer.  Can it still be read? How much would it cost to replace it?   Then tell him to place their electronic device on the anvil and raise the hammer...

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In teaching sessions of a brief "get them hooked" intro class; I've had 3 screen breaks from students who couldn't understand when I tell them to put their phones away from the work zone!  Usually from a front pocket/anvil horn impact. I've had at least one student that I had to drop in class as the phone was more important than the forging to them; it was a safety hazard and if it had been a coal forge a workpiece hazard...


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