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I Forge Iron

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My first try at using low layer pattern welding for these two woodworking chisels. The mahogany handle on the smaller chisel came from a 19th c. Milwaukee floorboard, while the other handle is a nice piece of ironwood. 









If it was it would be sexy ! Probably worth 2 manpower to make. But then there is the using:(

Pattern welded chainsaw Bar ?

The chisels are beautiful . BTW


"Without tripping" I would assume...

I collect old handsaws at the scrapyard to use the metal slip between alloys that don't like to weld to each other (or themselves) without dropping the carbon content.  I only cut up ones not worth restoring of course; but they are the ones that generally show up there...

On 4/16/2020 at 11:20 PM, Frosty said:

Nice lathe Jon. That's an awful lot of uncluttered clean floor space, how do you stand it?

You should see my blacksmithing shop. I’m way too fastidious and tidy. Heck I actually put all the tools away and sweep the floor after most sessions. I’ll never be a true blacksmith...


Oh that's okay Jon, we're a pretty tolerant bunch. I'll help you think up a good story. Maybe something based on Coriolis effect in combination with lake effect? Yeah, that's the story, Coriolis lake effect causes tools to blow into their proper place and the dirt right under the neighbor's rugs!

We'll work something up. 

Frosty The Lucky.

  • 2 weeks later...

The lathe was made by a great Indiana furniture maker named Randy O'Donnell  https://www.finewoodworking.com/author/randall-odonnell

And I believe he repurposed the tool rest from a more modern lathe. Amazing how much control you have with a treadle lathe....which combined with my treadle hammer in the blacksmith shop has me doing considerable leg conditioning and cardio workouts!

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

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