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I Forge Iron

Press Problems... AGAIN with the power..


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Ok my press is not working...It was working just fine this afternoon... it was running..doing what is was suppose to......took a break,  turned off the electric...both the 120 and 240... a while later I tried to turn it back on to do some more work and now nothing.. The motor will not start..all I get is a click of the switch when I turn on the 240..    Did a current check..things look OK as far as I know....and to be truthful electric stuff scares the bee-gees out of me... Plus I have no idea now what could be wrong as I am now in above my pay grade.. ANY ideas and how do I trouble shoot??  THANK YOU ALL

I do not want to be a grease spot on the floor...


going to check on the motor end to see if I have current while I wait for a reply...




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Doesn't look like I am getting any juice to the motor..so I either have...I am thinking..a loose wire/connection..a broken wire or a combination of those or a bad relay.. I mean it just clicks when I hit the 240 on switch..so I am in a puzzlement.... the switch/starter in question is a Square D Class 8911 Series B  Type DPS042  and they are a wee bit pricey so with my luck..that is probably it..but I would like to rule out everything else...

Thanks Stevie for the suggestion..  Oh man...just when I start to get a head on stuff...these things seem to occur,,,


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You real FUNNY G.I.  ... real funny.. tinki-tau  .. tinki tau..

Seriously.. this stuff is no fun as far as I m concerned..I am knocking this off for the night and  will attack it afresh in the AM..  I need this one up and running as I have a large order to fill...



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I solved it...a broken wire in the power line from the switch/relay to the motor....thankfully I have a bunch of that line so I replaced it and it is back up and running.... and I didn't wind up a grease spot on the floor either,,,

Back to work for me..


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