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Belknap anvil- more information

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I recently purchased a Belknap anvil, 110lbs. I was hesitant to buy it because I couldn't find much info on their anvils. Fortunately it has turned out to be a pretty good anvil. I was wondering if anybody had any info on Belknap anvil, especially a date for the anvil's year of manufacturing. I did what research I could and found a 1917 catalog from Belknap but found the markings on my anvil to be different from the catalog and the company's logo in later years. Anyways, I appreciate any info.




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Sorry I can't help, but there's members who can tell you exactly what you have. It may have been made by another company and liscensed by Belknap tools. Many tool companies did this. Making an anvil is somewhat specialized and a lot of companies didn't make the anvil themselves. 

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Incorrect, Belknap was made by several anvil makers, A&H being the main one.  (several incorrect items in AIA...)

Yours is a Soderfors, made in Sweden.  You can see the casting line going up the center of the anvil below the horn and heel.

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No serial # on Soderfors, all cast steel, top notch anvil and one of the best.

I don't know the dates for Soderfors making them for Belknap, but I'm guessing early 1900's.

There may be a year date on the Soderfors somwhere, many times they stamped it

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MS- I haven't weighed it. Because its an American brand anvil, I assumed it's used pounds instead of hundredweight. But we are mounting it today, so I'll weigh it first 

BF - I haven't been able to find a date. I haven't found any markings other than the one I posted. I might need to clean it up some and see if I can find a date.

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