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Im new to this forum and thought i would intorduce myself, my name is Kurt but I go by Sid (for online purposes), im 28 and i have been interested in blacksmithing since I was a young kid. I have no experience in blacksmithihg just a solid interest.

The reason i joined here was because i am about to build my first brick forge, now that i finally have the space and time, and thought this would be a good place to go for hints, tips and questions.

Thanks for having me!

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2 hours ago, CrazyGoatLady said:

I don't have a beard, but I'm sure that's excellent advice;)

Bummer, no beard to shield your eyebrows and lashes from flare ups. Goodness ladysmiths sure have it tough. :)

Frosty The Lucky.

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 I do have long hair and I'm very leary of it being down. I've heard horror stories of hair getting caught in machinery. My son pointed out it is past my waist. Didn't realize that. But it stays up in a funky bun on top of my head! And I learned real quick to keep it away from goats. They like to nibble on it and the last time I cut any real length off, it was because they had gnawed it way shorter on one side. Nobody would know me without my hair either^_^

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May hair is down to my lower back. I put about six elastics in it to hold it back and wind it up under a ball cap. It falls in front when I bend over if I don't. I shave it about every ten years and donate it to a charity. It's getting to be about that time soon.  Ponytails and spinning machinery do not mix. I saw a Temp at the printing company I used to work for get her hair caught in a roller on a stacking machine. It yanked a good chunk of her hair out. She was bleeding, not cool.


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My husband has long hair and he does like you and puts several ponytail holders on it. Awhile back, he was using a drill, and some of his hair got wound up in it. Fortunately, we got it out easily and I didn't have to cut it off. But he is more careful about where his ponytail is now

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You gotta be careful. If I don't have my hair pulled back I zip it up in my coats roll the car window up on it or shut it in the door it gets wrapped around my fingers or in my plate, so it's usually pulled back.  Reading this it sounds like more trouble than it's worth but it's been long most of my life. When I was a kid I had to be caught to get my hair cut. Hated hair cuts when I was little. I'd be mad for days afterwards.


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I wore long hair for decades and welder's caps around machinery or fire, happily my hair doesn't burn so well so I never did the flaming torch dance. Years ago Deb's dear friend Cris developed brain cancer and was starting chemo, losing her hair was getting to her so a bunch of us buzzed our heads close. 

Turned out I really liked a buzz cut, I can wash my hair with a damp washcloth and the worst problem is sunburn. Now I buzz when it gets more than about 1/4".

Frosty The Lucky.

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