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Has anyone used both of these brands and can give me a comparison?
I've used the Nimba before and really like them but the price difference between the two brands is significant.


you must understand these two brands are completely differnt! Nimba is an anvil spesifically for blacksmithng. TFS is an anvil spesifically for farriery. are you plannnig on shoeing any horses any time soon. or find your self needing a horn heavy anvil. with a very thin heel. the prices may be differnt. but the quality is aboutthe same when you perform the inteded job on the inteded anvil. i have a TFS and i love it...but i'm a working farrier. i've used nimba and i love them. again they are made for two differnt purposes.
if you're a blacksmith i would save up for the nimba glatiator.



i actually havn't seen that one. i would still go with the nimba. TFS are cast. nimba are forged. if you can get the TFS now go for it brother. let me know how it works i would love to get a new anvil. $1700 ain't to bad



I don't mean to hijack this thread (but to just include a tangent) -

I would be interested in comments about a comparison b/w the

Nimba and Rat Hole Forge anvils.

Not the shapes which are obviously different, to each his own, but more on cast steel quality and performance.


Being a computer "systems engineer" and not a actual engineer I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what all those figures are telling us. It looks like the H13 gets it hardness rating at a higher temp. then the 8640. It is a "tougher" tool steel. How that effects the overall usability / quality of either anvil is beyond me.

I found this anvil steel comparison chart created by a P. Michael Main and if I understand it correctly, the TFS anvils are made at least in part with ductile iron (cast iron) where as the Nimba's use 8640 steel.

I've got an all steel anvil and an old one with (apparently) cast iron body and a steel plate on top of that. The all steel one rings like bell, the other one a lot less. Something to take into consideration as well.

the 460lb Rathole is about $300 cheaper than the gladiator. have you looked at the webpage for them? steve fontanini home page I wish I was close to having money saved up for one.....maybe someday:cool:

The model of TFS I was looking at is listed as a blacksmith anvil and looks it.

Blacksmiths Depot

I've been planning on and almost have the $$ for the Gladiator but the 400 lb. smithy special is $600 less and depending on cost of freight I could order it today!

Larry, Hofi has designed a new anvil and it should be ready shortly to be shipped. He has had the prototype for a while and loves it. I am planning on purchasing one as soon as they become available. I also have a 330 Euroanvil which is nice. I am seriousily considering being a US distributor for the Hofi anvil. I will be at the upcoming class Hofi is teaching at the end of the month. I will get the update then. If you are not in a big hurry I would wait to see Uri's anvil.


Purely on the design I would prefere the TFS, it had a better horn and is better using its material, but that just a personal opinion.
Also what firebug said is greath, Mr. Hofi's anvil's are fantastic! and may be worth waiting for. Also one of my all times favorites is Alfred Haberman's anvils (i'm saving up for one of those), but i don't know if you can get them in the us.

Larry, Hofi has designed a new anvil and it should be ready shortly to be shipped. He has had the prototype for a while and loves it. If you are not in a big hurry I would wait to see Uri's anvil.

I would love to see what Hofi's anvil looks like, I'm not sure how long I will wait though. I'd like to have it yesterday! I would think that the biggest drawback to a Hofi anvil would be the shipping to the US. Seems like you'd need a massive quantity to get enough of a break in shipping costs.


Besides Nimba there are also two other anvil makers in your area I have two anvils made by one of them, Renato Muskovic. He makes a 633lb and 375lb anvil I have both and like them very much. The other person is Kris Ketchum he makes a 500lb anvil that sports a hexagonal hardy hole. I have not used his anvil but I know Kris and am sure that his anvils are excelent. Both makers will be at the NWBA spring conference April 25-27 Skagit county fairgrounds in MT Veron Wa.

here is a picture of my 375lb anvil.

Renato also makes a great line of hardies and stakes to go with his anvils.

If you are interested I can get both phones numbers or contact information.

Here is a picture of one of Kris's anvils from Caniron.
7 - Blacksmith Photo Gallery

Does Hofi come with it?

Any idea of size and preliminary pricing?

I definitely think it would out of my price range if Hofi came with the anvil! Maybe just a one day personal demo visit with each anvil purchase? :D

i will tell ya i have a centourian and when I walk in and look at it it makes me wanna bang....rings a bit but magnets took car of that...nice big face and a lovely horn... the square horn is really useful...I likes it...

Both makers will be at the NWBA spring conference April 25-27 Skagit county fairgrounds in MT Veron Wa.

Unfortunately that weekend is a kid weekend for me and I won't be able to make it to the spring conference. I'm hoping the fall conference will be on a non kid weekend so I can go.

Do either of those makers have websites?

I've seen something about the making of Kris's anvils before, I forget if it was here or elsewhere though.

In a quick study break, I just found this list of anvil suppliers.
Be careful though as it includes farrier anvils, whether good or bad depending on what a person's looking for.
Anvil List

On another note, how many Canadians have tried Thak? Any other good Canadian suppliers?

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