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I Forge Iron

Cleaned vise. Now parts are shiny metal. Can the patina be restored, even if partially?


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After decades of holding things to be welded on the farm, the top of my family heirloom Iron City vise had a build up of welds. I removed these random bits of welds with my angle grinder down to what I thought was the original vise. It's all shiny metal now, lacking the beautiful (to me) blackish colored patina that's on the rest of the vise.

Is there any way to restore that patina, even if a bit? Throw the pieces in a fire, maybe? Or would the heat ruin it?

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Soak it in strong tea. Use cold bluing solution---I bought my last bottle at Wally world but not knowing where in the world you are at...., Use any of the many recipes  in

Firearm Blueing & Browning  by R. H. Angier.  Actually flash rusting can be easily done and then oiling it well can halt it and provide a "working patina".

If  you were on a sea coast...but not knowing where in the world you are at...., Just exposure to damp salty air would start it.

Really wished we knew where in the world you were at as that control so very much of what your ambient environment is like and what kinds of things you have access to...

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Thanks, Thomas. You'd recommend soaking it in tea and then using the bluing solution... or just one or the other?

I updated my profile to show that I'm from South Central Idaho.

10 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Use any of the many recipes  in

Firearm Blueing & Browning  by R. H. Angier

I looked up that book and Amazon has one. $991.51... plus shipping.

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My bad. No point. I do use Amazon a lot for books though... and I didn't check around, being I was only curious at the moment. I just thought it was sorta humorous that it was so much money.

Any way, back to my question...?

2 minutes ago, JHCC said:

Or call your local library and see if they do ILL (InterLibrary Loan). That's free.

Yes, my library offers this service and I use it often.


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The use of automated price setting software by various companies that then gets into a loop with that used by other companies producing humorous results has already been discussed. I expect that relative soon there will be a "check" implemented to prevent such amusing results...

Pretty much the same as the old joke about the two hill folk trading a Mule back and forge at ever greater prices; except for the folks not in on the joke

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