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Anvil Knowledge

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Hay Buden's are very good anvils. Do you have any history on the old girl.

The A90613 is the serial number. Someone with a copy of Anvils in America will be able to let you know the approximate mfg date. She looks like a very nice anvil that's ready for some honest work. If you haven't already read about grinding or milling the face please do not do that. A wire brush will clean it up just fine and hot steel will polish the face up.

BTW: Welcome to IFI. If you edit your profile to show your location, you may be surprised how many members are near you and a lot of answers are location dependent.

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Good anvil, nice shape, LOVE the name! I thought it looked like my Trenton but I only know enough about anvils to keep my mouth shut. Unless you've scored the Ultimate in anvils a Soderfors. 

Go ahead Froggy, I'm braced. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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