Hofi Posted February 3, 2008 Posted February 3, 2008 I want to clarify some subject in this discussion and tell a story. There is ''no'' ''Czech hammer'' a ''Czech hammer'' is not existing in the Czech republic. The Molnar the Biehal the Josef Muck the Habermann every one of this long time blacksmith families that all of them I know and visited and with all of them with very good relationship are forging with d i f f e r e n t hammer .the hammer that people here and in the us are referring to as the ''Czech hammer'' is the Hofi hammer. It is not a modification of the Habermann hammer (that was invented and forged first by his grandfather). The ''Hofi hammer ''is completely different hammer” and if one looks at the hammer one can see that the design is completely different the balance the handle the longer pien the radiuses and the grinding. The story of the ''Czech'' hammer started when George Dixon in his book on Francis Whitaker the late in the paragraph of hammers. He put a drawing of the Hofi hammer and called it Czech. In three places in the states the ''Hofi'' hammer is forged 1 At the Ozark School by Mr. Tom Clark that I was teaching at the school for 5 years and Mr. Clark visited my shop in Israel 4 times and I taught him how to forge the Hofi hammer. Tsur Sadan that is now teaching at the Ozark was my student for 4 years at my smithy. 2 The BigBlu by Mr. Dean Curfman that also paid twice a visit to my smithy in Israel twice special to learn how to forge the Hofi hammer and to grind it and also to learn about the quick change system for the air hammer die and about forging other tools that he sells now. The air hammer school is also my idea and I was teaching there the '' free form air hammer system''. Mr. Dean Curfmann also took three classes with me at the Ozark and in NY. 3 Doug Merkel that took also three classes with me two at the Ozark and one at the air hammer BigBlu school. Now Thomas Dean the story of kissing the hammer. 10 years ago I was invited by BABA to participate in forging elements for the '' niddle'' a huge sculpture the is now located in Newcastle on the side walk along the river. The meeting was in France in doarnane on the brest bay a beautiful fishermen harbor on the channel in brest bay the other side of England. 54 blacksmith from Europe and England took part in the forging meeting. A young man by the name of Claude was following me like a shadow all the time where ever I moved he was there. After three days he dared to ask me: Mr. Hofi how come you are forging with one hammer only and do it easier and faster then all the others? I with my sense of humor answered him very earnest, clod when you enter the smithy in the morning first thing I do is standing opposite to the anvil take the hammer and kiss it then go around the anvil and kiss again when you do it 7 times the hammer will forge alone. Next morning he came to me and said Mr. Hofi I tried it and it did not help. A month later Claude came to me to my smithy in Israel and stayed 1-1/2 years. Now he is married, has two kids, an he is teaching the Hofi system in France. This story I am telling every where I teach and also kiss the hammer daily. Sorry for the long story but I think it is nice Hofi The Hofi Hammer Cast Hammer vs Forged Hammer To my opinion the cast is better then the forged. The deference is small. An amateur will not fill the difference. The 6150 steel of the cast is a better steel then the c45. The cast is more balanced because casting on a mold I could arrange the steel in a better and more balanced form and there for more ergonomic. I myself forge today mainly with the cast hammer. There is a belief that the forged because the grain re-organizing is better then the cast. Not any more !! To day with the lost wax system that the air is leaving the mold from all around the mold and not only from the air outlet the grain dispersion in the cast is better. Even in the industry many parts that were forge are cast today. And it is very interesting also that more and more I sell more cast hammers then forged. The people loves them. Hofi Quote
R Funk Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 Hofi, Thanks for clarifying the Hofi Hammer and its history! Do you have a picture or can post a link for the type of hammers Habermanns used? I would like to see one to help me better understand the hammer they used. Also do you have any information on the Haberman Anvil? Thanks again! Quote
RainsFire Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 I get it!! thankyou for clearing that up Hofi. cool story too. Quote
irnsrgn Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 I think this is the habermann hammer. This is the Hofi Hammer Quote
Sandalphon Posted March 26, 2008 Posted March 26, 2008 Hofi, Todah Rabbah Ve sipur metzuyan! it is nice to finally see the difference! Also, Will the cast hammer be as flaw free with a small at home foundry as with your more indultrialized setup, if I were to try one myself? Quote
Valentin Posted July 5, 2008 Posted July 5, 2008 To bad to be on a forging forum and like a casted item instead of a forged one... But hey who can beat the fact's... It;s cheaper, it;s easyer to make ,it;s balanced, it's better ! Quote
Glenn Posted July 5, 2008 Posted July 5, 2008 Valentin, does this also apply to other tools such as anvils? (grin) I imagine it would be difficult to find a hand forged anvil. I know Bruce Wilcock makes them, and I am sure there are others, but not many. Quote
Hofi Posted July 6, 2008 Author Posted July 6, 2008 Hello Valentin I m now in a process of a design of a more BALANCED and ERGONOMIC hammer again it will be ''CAST'' casat of two metals higher specifig gravity and because smaller and much more ballanced. I AM LOOKING FOR THE FUETUER !! the same like the reinessance people did in their time 4-500 years ago , they have instantly addopted every new technique . If tig or mig welder would have been invented in their time they would use it immidietly Hofi Quote
Valentin Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 Valentin, does this also apply to other tools such as anvils? (grin) I imagine it would be difficult to find a hand forged anvil. I know Bruce Wilcox makes them, and I am sure there are others, but not many. Don't you not treasure more the forged one instead on the serial cast ones (anvil) ? There are 2 things that give value to any item... It's usefulness and the process involved into making it... I know there are only a handfull of people that know the diference betwen let's say a hammer that's CNC cut or forged out. Can u beat the perfection of the CNC ? no... but can the CNC copy the mistakes / character that the tired blacksmith does ? So what if we got all the new tools and tehnology... they are greate for mass production and low cost. Just my opinion. I do use cast elements in my work i also used CNC cut or punched pressed elements but i have to admit that there are people that know the diference betwen a rivet and an electric weld and they are still going for a rivet. I guess the choise is it's customer's and i know most of my customers are looking at the low cost solution. The 3 hammers forged that i got from Richard now all sit with prinde in a frame on my showroom wall but i whoud never put a cast one there...not that i don't use cast hammers in my shop i use them and i can;t feel a difference betwen the cast/forged one... The only diference is in my mind. I am sorry Hoffi if u think i do not agree with you or the use of new tehnology that;s not the thing , i know that u are a very skilfull blacksmith and full of knolage and you are willing to share that knolage and i apreciate that. I am just pointing out my opinion as it is. Quote
Mende Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 I agree with Valentin. There is a lot more soul and energy put in something hand forged or hand made from start to finish then something that's been copied after a prototype and churned out in the thousands . .only for profit. I still would pay 10 times more for a hand forged ring from a gold smith than for a machine weaved gold chain from the jeweler. I do not say that mass produced items are of poorer quality ( although some of them are . .think Japanese swords and knives) but they lack individuality and spiritual value. Quote
Glenn Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 In 2008 many people no longer know how to harness a team of horses, or know the difference between a single tree and a double tree. Many people with a drivers license can not even drive a vehicle if it has a standard transmission. Times and technology change. My point is the anvils were forged for many years. When the new technology of casting came along, that became the better way, and improved both the product and the price. We now see hammers being hand forged, machine made, and being cast. Most people do not know the difference. The craftsman that actually uses the tool to earn his living should know the difference, and choose the best tool for the job at hand. Again times and technology change. Use what works best for you. These tongs were made by Strine of Oz. If you are fortunate enough to own hand made tools, cherish them. Quote
firebug Posted July 6, 2008 Posted July 6, 2008 As far as the cast version of the hammer and the hand forged version of the hammer, I have both of them and like each one. I like the beauty of the hand forged hammer but always use the cast hammer. For some reason I like it better when it comes to forging. The difference between cast versus hand forged is more than beauty when it comes to TOOLS. Tools are used to produce work therefore the tolerances may need to be closer than can be achieved when free hand forging a tool. This can be the case with a hammer. When a hammer is forged you cannot get the metal exactly where you want it to go, it will be close but not as close as what can be achieved by casting it. When you are attempting to make a hammer that is as balanced as possible you will only achieve this with a cast hammer, in my opinion. Cast is the only way to precisely control the flow and placement of the steel, and therefore the weight and balance of the hammer. A hand forged vase is a static object not meant to be used to create other objects like a tool is used. This not only allows for variation from one vase to another but THAT is what makes it beautiful, a work of art. The individual variations and imperfections that make the vase a one of a kind can work against you when those same elements are incoporated into a tool. I am looking forward to Uri Hofi's new hammer. If it is any better than the 3 of his I already have I don't think I will be able to stand it. On another note. The traditional way of doing things is not always the best. Hand forging a hammer is only one example. Many times it was hand forged because that was the only way to do it. If they had the technology that we have today 200 years ago, I am sure there would be 200 year old cast hammers. There is a saying," prove all things and keep that which is good". Just because it was always done that way does not mean it is the best way. Quote
rthibeau Posted July 7, 2008 Posted July 7, 2008 "Better" or "best" and other such terms used to compare one item to another are often used inappropriately and give a false sense of meaning. A hand tool has to be judged by the user. So there are as many judgements of better or best as there are people picking up the tool to use it. Production runs to be profitable tend towards those processes such as casting so a quantity of consistently similar tools can be made relatively quickly. But mass production also tends to limit choices of materials. A hammer can be hand forged from any grade steel the smith chooses to use and the size, weight, etc, can all be changed...or kept consistent...again as the smith chooses. Different markets, different processes. Professionally done, the finished product from either is equal to the other in practical use. Personal opinion of the user then influences the conversation. Quote
Mende Posted July 10, 2008 Posted July 10, 2008 I was not talking about whether a hand forged tool does a better job than a cast one. .I simply said that I, personally, consider a handmade tool more valuable than a serially produced one because I think there is more soul in the first one. Also I like seeing the imperfection of a tool . .It makes it unique as no hand made object can be identical to the next. That can't be said for mass produced stuff that are only copies of a prototype. When it comes to working performance I will always choose a good tool from a reputable brand and not use one I bodged up .. Quote
Glenn Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 This post was originally made by Tom Clark on July 4, 2008. The delay in posting is due to my contacted Tom by phone to clarify some of the information. He made changes and emailed me the post below. Hofi hammer, the real story part 2. I first met Hofi in 1994 at the ABANA conference in St. Louis. The weather was miserably hot and he was filling in one day for Paul Zimmerman. I was really impressed with his ability to move iron. I asked the 1996 conference in New York to have him as a demonstrator. He was there with three of his helpers from Israel and his demo was very good. I was so impressed that I wanted to share his knowledge throughout the U.S. so, I arranged for him to come back to the U.S. in 1997 where I invited blacksmiths from all over the United States to come and take a class with him. In all there were 36 people from 23 states, as I remember. I rented a building and set up 12 forging stations for 4 weeks of classes. I was so impressed with the outcome that I asked him if I built a school would he come two times a year and teach. He said yes so, I built the Ozark School of Blacksmithing. In the beginning Hofi was really high on Alfred Habbermann. He told me that he had brought him to his school in Israel two or three times and he had learned the Habermann style of forging from Alfred. When he started to make hammers, they would duplicate the process of Habermann and Hofi chose to widen the eye to accommodate a bigger rectangular handle, but he incorporated the Habermann style of forging. So, not only is the hammer important, but also the technique in using the hammer. I am a firm believer in passing on the credit where credit is due and I learned a lot from Hofi. I learned to make hand hammers from Hofi. I could follow Hofi Quote
Glenn Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 The following is an email rec'd from Johannes Angele of Germany. I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to him for giving us permission to use the Haberman hammer and other copyrighted photos on IForgeIron and this post. Johannes Angele I was a lot together with Alfred Habermann and can tell you about his hammer. Habermann was born in 1930. He is a member of the German population in Czechoslovakia. His father had to be a soldier in the German army during world war 2 and he died there. So Alfred made his apprenticeship with his grandfather. This family has a long tradition in blacksmithing. Round about the age of 14 when Alfred needed a hammer for forging, his grandfather told him to make his own hammer. And he tought him how to do it. It is this very hammer that Alfred kept with him all his life, took it always with him. The two photos I add to this e-mail show this original hammer. Compared with the common German blacksmithing hammer, the Habermann hammer is shorter, the face is bowed, the corners are rounded, the peen has a plane part. The Hofi hammer is almost the same size and shape but with one big difference: The material that is pushed out when making the hole for the handle is not taken away, the hammer is not straightened or planned. This material makes the hammer higher or thicker in the axis of the handle. This means that more material is in the axis or in the center of gravity. This makes the hammer more balanced. You don't need to accelerate as much mass when moving the hammer. Habermann used this system also for his repousse hammers (see other photo). But not for his famous blacksmithing hammer. We do not know the reason. We are now producing the Habermann hammer in license of Habermann as a drop forged hammer. It is the one you see in our shop. Do not hesitate to ask if you have other questions. Mit freundlichen Gruessen Johannes Angele Quote
Glenn Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 I found and ask for permission to post a photo of the original Haberman hammer to help inform the IFI viewers reading this article. We request that you please list references to support your discussion on the different style hammers or techniques. This will allow the viewer to seek out those original references, and read the original material to better form their own opinions on the subject. Quote
Valentin Posted July 16, 2008 Posted July 16, 2008 Nice story's ! and nice to see the photo of the original Haberman hammer !10x Glenn Quote
Glenn Posted July 19, 2008 Posted July 19, 2008 The following is an email rec'd from Hofi. Posting was delayed so minor corrections could be approved. The letter of Mr. Clark is full of inaccuracies and perceptions. This is one of the reasons I terminated my relationship with him on Sept 11, 2001. He never new the real relationship with my first teacher in blacksmithing, the late Mr. Fredi Habermann. From the first visit of Fredi to my smithy in Israel we disagreed on many things, but always on the end he came to me and said ''Hofi you are right, you are looking to the future and I am the past”. Three weeks before his death I called him which I did very often to see what I can do to help him. He was hardly talking and said “Hofi if I’ll be better and healthier I would like to come and finish my life at your forge”. For me it was a very great compliment. Mr. Clark still does not understand what makes a ‘balanced hammer’ and his explanation is completely twisted. The balance of the hammer is achieved not with the equal mass on both sides of the hammer but as less ‘momentum’ on the peen side. On the Habermann hammer the distance from the handle to the face is 30 mm or 1.181 inches and from the end of the peen to the handle it is 46 mm or 1.811 inches. In my hammer it is 34 mm or 1.338 inches from the face to the handle and 36 mm or 1.417 inches from the end of the peen to the handle. If one tilts the Habermann hammer more then 35 degrees it will rotate and damage the wrist. In my hammer even if one goes more then 45 degrees it will not rotate and therefore is very much more balanced and most of the forging energy is going into the steel. Now if we add the type of handle eye that I developed that the mass is not gone or removed, it stays in the middle it makes the hammer more balanced and you can hold the handle better. The glue of the handle with the pu sikaflex 11 fc gives better rebound to the hammer and also absorbing the vibrations from effecting the forging hand. All this makes the Hofi hammer – Hofi hammer. If you look at the hammers photos they will see the difference. I attach here a photo of a hammer that was forged in my smithy 20 years ago on my 53 birthday. The small 5 pound striking hammer was forged as a present to me by Fredi and was broken on the first use because the hammer was not tempered, but I still keep it because I love it. One can see the dimensions that make it not balance enough. And final line the ''Habermann hammer'' was developed by Fredi's grand father. No Czech hammer is existing. Every family of blacksmith in the Czech Republic forge with a different hammer. And I know them all. I am now in the process of designing a new and more balanced hammer, with two different materials and two different specific gravities. This is not simple and will take more time to finish. Uri Hofi Quote
Glenn Posted September 11, 2008 Posted September 11, 2008 I contacted Hofi to answer a question on another thread. Below is his reply.I forge the hammers mostly alone, some times one or two of my students, that are studying with me now 13 years, are helping me. The grinding, the heat treatment, the final fine grinding, the handling, and the hrc test is done solely by me. The cast hammers are cast in a casting factory but every one, I repeat every one, is tested and then the final grinding, and handled, is done by me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hofi Quote
Glenn Posted September 22, 2008 Posted September 22, 2008 From the email: The final real story on the so called -- Czech hammer. If one will look at the Euroanvils site on customer anvil, he will see me on the upper left side while demonstrating at the ABANA 2004 conference forging with my Hofi cast hammer on a Euroanvils 500lbs. On the opposite side Stephen Feinstein the founder of Euroanvil with Haberman Jr. This Stephen Feinstein took my cast hammer copied it made a drawing and took it with him without asking me or having any permission to do it to the Czech republic and gave the drawing to Vaclav Hanton, and ask him to produce the hammer. Vaclav Hanton refused to market the hammer in the USA so Stephen Feinstein took it to another producer in the Czech republic by the name of Stanc. He is producing now the Hofi hammer on a cnc milling machine and one can also see it on the attached photo's. This one is sold in the USA for 20$ How they do it I do not know, because in Europe it is sold for 35 euro which is $49. Stephen Fenstein made a very very unethical and unfriendly act. If a Swedish hammer is produced to day in China it is still a Swedish hammer. If a French hammer is produced to day also in China and other places it is still a French hammer. If a Hofi hammer is produced to day in the Czech Republic it does not make it a Czech hammer, it will always be a Hofi hammer. Hofi Quote
phil shelton Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 how do i identify who built my ''Hofi'' hammer that i bought in the us from one of the blacksmith supply it apears to have a ''Hofi'' torch mark but it is different than the hammers that are shown here my handle is starting to come lose. Quote
larrynjr Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 take a picture of the hammer, especially the touch mark and post it here. I'm sure Hofi would recognise one of his own. Quote
phil shelton Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 (edited) :)just so everybody knows hofi contacted me and requited pic i sent them and am waiting for his reply but he was living on a trip so it might be a while . so i uploaded them here so everyone could see.their are more in gallery. :) Edited October 2, 2008 by phil shelton Quote
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