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I Forge Iron

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1 minute ago, Gfreak said:

As for an anvil, there's a guy selling pieces of I-Beams nearby. Would an I-beam work for that?

Will it work?  Yeah, kind of.  Are there much more suitable objects to use that will be as cheap or cheaper and the same weight or less?  Definitely.  The more solid steel (not edge welded, stacked, etc.) directly under your hammer  blows, the more force will be transferred into the hot steel you are beating on and therefore the more you'll move steel with the same force.  I beams have a very narrow section where there can be steel under your hammer blows no matter which way you turn them, so while you can make it work, they are far from ideal.  A large sledge hammer head mounted in a stump, a solid chunk of even mild steel, an axle with a diameter of 3 inches or larger mounted vertically, forklift tines, rail track on end, etc. - all of those are better options by far than an I beam.


I beam and other structural shape stinks for an anvil. A broken axle on end flange up is far better they actually make a darned good anvil. RR rail makes a good anvil especially on end. As Thomas says the part of an anvil that effects forging is the steel directly between the hammer and the planet, commonly called the "depth of rebound". The deeper the better. A piece of 2" plate laying flat is okay for a floor upsetting plate or a table top not much as a anvil at all stand it on end however and it becomes as good as it gets.

Just don't get in a hurry building and shopping, you'll find and build better.

Frosty The Lucky.


Gotcha, i'm not sure if i'll be able to find an old railroad piece, but I can definitely find an old sledgehammer and set that in something. I might be able to get a broken axle from my old coworkers actually. Good to know 'bout the ibeam though, thanks!


I once used a broken knuckle from a railroad car coupler; weighed about 80 pounds, had a flat side and a curved side and was free.   Got a Dozer repair place nearby?  Dozers are sort of built from "impromptu anvils"...


Turns out there's a railroad crossing right in front of my friends shop, he said he could probably get me something as they're always doing work on it. Imma go over there today and see what I can pick up.

As for Dozer repair place, I can't think of any off the top of my head, but i'm sure i could find one if I drove towards the coast

On 8/5/2016 at 11:01 AM, Gfreak said:

Turns out there's a railroad crossing right in front of my friends shop, he said he could probably get me something as they're always doing work on it. Imma go over there today and see what I can pick up.

As for Dozer repair place, I can't think of any off the top of my head, but i'm sure i could find one if I drove towards the coast

Mustang Cat Rental Store - Houston Southwest  
Address: 11726 S Garden St, Houston, TX 77071
Phone: (713) 228-7368


Thanks a bunch eseemann/thomas. i did look it up and there's one a bit closer to my place than the one you linked. But thanks a tona nyways for the effort.

yesterday I talked to a friend and he said he'd give me an old 50lbs anvil that he had for $10 so i'll probably use that to start with.

I made a small forge yesterday that seemed to work pretty well. It heated up well enough.
Question though. How important is the lining of a small forge? I've read varying things on it.

What I used to make this was: an old Steel bowl (probably about a foot and a half in diameter, and about 8-10 inches in depth) Lined with a mix of sand/plaster of paris. with a 1/2" steel pipe stuck into the bottom side of it for air. used a shop vac to blow into it.

I'm curious if the lining that I used will last, as i've read somethings that said it was fine, and others that it would crumble and break after a few uses.

It heated up well over 1000 F I believe, But the thermometer I had on hand, had a max temp of 1000 so it's hard to say for sure.


If you're making a solid fuel forge, coal/charcoal, forget lining it, it'll be fine as is. If you lay a fire grate that lifts the fire up off it a little bit it'll work even better.

Whatever fire holder you make be it propane forge, iron foundry, BBQ pit, or whatever never, NEVER use that cursed, urban myth, sand plaster of Paris mix. It is NOT a refractory, by time your fire got hot enough to threaten cast iron, the plaster sand mix will be crumbly bits of uselessness.

That's a good deal on a nice little traveling anvil, do a bearing ball rebound test on it anyway, you really need to  know the state of your tools. Keep your eyes open for your next anvil, they're magnetic you know get one and it attracts more.

Frosty The Lucky.


I have seen unlined coal forges that started out like as the steel deck of a push mower, I have a very large break drum coal forge. I think that you will find the better the lining the less heat you lose but as long as you have lots of fuel to  use while learning that should not be too much of an issue. 

Good luck.  


Good to know 'bout the lining, guess I'll just take it out of it then.

As far as the rebound test, that's cool. Never thought about testing something like that.


Even if this $10.00 anvil turns out to be a cast iron ASO (Anvil Shaped Object) it will still be better than nothing. Keep your eyes open and look for the chance to nap some steel and remember to act that your folks would want you to act and you will find good things come to you. My rule that when I am done with a thing I was given for free I give it away with the instruction that the next person do the same. Steel it is one of the most if not the most recycled metal in the world. The same goes for good will and love to and from the pro and hobby smiths in the world. The more you keep your eyes out to help out a new guy it contributes to a cycle good that IMHO makes this world just a bit better every day. 

If you go to the forklift or heavy equipment places to look for something I would not be a bad idea to bring a bunch of bottles of Gatorade or sweet tea as well. It is got and the people will need something to drink.   



3 hours ago, eseemann said:

Even if this $10.00 anvil turns out to be a cast iron ASO (Anvil Shaped Object) it will still be better than nothing. Keep your eyes open and look for the chance to nap some steel and remember to act that your folks would want you to act and you will find good things come to you. My rule that when I am done with a thing I was given for free I give it away with the instruction that the next person do the same. Steel it is one of the most if not the most recycled metal in the world. The same goes for good will and love to and from the pro and hobby smiths in the world. The more you keep your eyes out to help out a new guy it contributes to a cycle good that IMHO makes this world just a bit better every day. 

If you go to the forklift or heavy equipment places to look for something I would not be a bad idea to bring a bunch of bottles of Gatorade or sweet tea as well. It is got and the people will need something to drink.   



Of course, always a good thing to live by. Good Idea 'bout the gatorades too, and it's definitely hot 'round here right now.

5 minutes ago, eseemann said:

Hot in Texas, say it ain't so!!!!

Haha no joke, it's actually been a fairly mild summer overall. When it's bad is when it's closer to 110 degrees out, only in the mid 90's right now


I honestly joined this site with only an interest in blades, but I am considerably more interested in making other more blacksmith-ish stuff. Like tools, and I made a sherperds hook for my wife out of a light truck coil spring. (Had to justify the hobby and all). So even though your primary interest is Ferraris. You may want to drive a pinto or two when you find out how much fun they are, and good luck forging.


Have been super busy at work this week, But a buddy of mine got me about a foot long section of Railroad to use as an anvil.

and i've got a better idea for a forge that i'm gonna make tomorrow.

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