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I Forge Iron

How do you pick yorself back up.


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Similar tools, helping seems to cheer most folk up it's probably a communal critter survival instinct and hard wired.

Taking things personally is a bigger issue for me since the accident, I find myself arguing with people from incidents 40 years ago, especially if I'm frustrated or doing something routine repetitive say sweeping the shop floor, sorting bolts, etc. This is where I have to stop to break the cycle, take a look at something pretty and tell my brain to stop it. It's a weird thing but it works, I'm free of the arguments or torments for a good hour sometimes more.

I'm going to try thinking of emotional issues like a life form needing to feed on me. Just the change in perspective should (I hope) make the above changing my primary thinking to the other hemisphere  more effective. Part of the parasite fodder is remembering just what xxxx xxxx the other guy was. maybe I can blow his actions off as hem fighting his own parasites. Not his fault, not my problem.

You're observations about people responding in kind falls in with mine. Two examples. We judge the world around us by our own standards. I know that's not quite what you were saying but it's directly related. Have you noticed: A liar doesn't believe anybody. A thief doesn't trust anybody. A hater feels hated. A charitable soul sees charity in everybody. On and on. This is a little more literal than I intended but applies. We judge the world by our standards doesn't mean we have to exhibit said traits to have them as standards. A person who is cheated or stolen from is less trusting. lie to me once and I don't believe anything you say, etc.

How's that relate to more people stopping to help a person with their head under the hood than someone sitting in the car? I think this ties directly into survival of the fittest. In the day when we lived or died by cooperation we lived on a very strict energy budget. If a task took more energy than the food would provide you didn't do it. A hominid who just sat down and gave up was unlikely to improve the group's chances of survival. However one that was working hard to make it on his/er own is a lot more likely to improve the group's survival.

Any of you who've raised livestock will have seen the walk away from the ones who can't or won't help themselves behavior. A calf, lamb, foal that can't stand up and the dam walks away. Sure they will go to some effort to to get them up and going but if they can't they abandon it. Dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. same same though mice and rats eat them.

I'm rambling again, a splendid survival trait I'm SURE. B)

Frosty The Lucky.

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My new job has become my source if relief. When I am working the only thing I am thinking of is keeping the bakery running. I actually look forward to the end of the weekend.... Left to my own thoughts while commuting, and at home, has become debilitating. I wish my issues were as simple as failed forge welds, but unfortunately they are family related, and disappointment with myself for not being where I expected after riding life's rollercoaster for 51 years.

I know the sources of my dispair, but I am having a hard time dealing with them, or more importantly how to be rid of them completely and not just simply deal with them.

One of my biggest losses was my close circle of friends. Over the years we have become separated through work movements. I no longer have that lifeline I can call at anytime and ask for help, and have them show up in a few minutes. Then again, asking for help has always been an issue for me. 

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11 hours ago, Gergely said:

Very helpful topic - thank you Das for starting it and thanks for everybody who has participated!

I hope you get your obstacles out of the way, Das.



Thanks Gergely, I'm glad I asked because the responses have all been helpful and full of great ideas.  I may not get all of my obstacles out of the way but I think with the help I can find a way around them. 

5 hours ago, rthibeau said:

Das, just come on back for a few days...we'll get ya right...


That would be great.  We'll talk. 

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Bigguns: I know what it's like to have friends drift away. You don't just go find a real confidante. Last spring I got a chance to visit the town I grew up in, well city and hooked up with one of my school friends. It was great, we hit one of our old coffee shops, visited Travel Town in Griffith Park though that had changed a LOT in 45 years. In many ways it was like old times, a person needs someone he can tell anything. Since moving to Alaska I found a good group of friends at a local coffee shop, then got married and moved to another town. I was developing new coffee buddies and tried catching a tree with my head.

Now I'm in a similar boat, even the old coffee shops are gone and the new ones don't have a proper counter culture. I'm down to one buddy when we get together though a couple more are coming along nicely.

I find it hard to remember how lucky I am to be alive with a brain as functional as mine is when I'm feeling down. I have various little stickers and such with LUCKY in them to remind me. This isn't how retirement was supposed to go, I worked hard for better than 50 years so I could do fun stuff, now . . . I'm a LUCKY guy.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I'm a master at screwing things up and having everything go wrong.  It's just comes to me naturally.  

The best thing I've found when I'm having one of those "can't pour water out of a boot" kind of weeks is to take a nice long break and don't do anything for a few days.  This gives the gremlins time to search for greener pastures.


When you do return, start on a dead-simple project that doesn't require the forge.  Maybe do some sheetmetal stuff that's just simply bends and drilling for rivets.  Keep the project very very easy so there's little chance of anything going wrong.  Lately, I've gotten into making key fobs from large washers.  All I use is a punch and some chisels to make a neat design and the only time the forge comes into play is when I need to heat the piece up for final waxing.  Because it's "free form" work, you really can't go wrong with the design or execution.

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VaughnT that's pretty much what I've been doing now. Letting the gremlins find greener pastures. And letting my mind find green pastures I haven't visited in a while. Went to visit a good friend I haven't seen in a while. Was showing her some pictures of my sculptures and she loved em and was showing her friends. She owns a bar so I took some out one night to show her and others that liked them. Well at a bar I made 3 sales and got 3 commissions. It felt pretty good and has been getting me more motivated. If only this heat and humidity would ease up. 

I do have some simple heat and bend s hooks to make. Sounds like a good easy project. 

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