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I Forge Iron

|Knife #3| Critics Welcome! (Rate My Knife 1-10)


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Hello again.

As Stated in the Title please Rate My Knife 



It seems I'm getting better with each knife

untill I get a belt sander I hand sand and use an angle grinder for most of the leg work. 

For those who said I should use better steel than rebar on my first knife, I think it's a good idea to use low quality steel when first starting out. 

The steel is 1095 

Wood is unidentifiable to me atleast, just some stuff I had laying around

and then polyurethaned 

Oh and that engraved triangle with the lines is my makers mark I guess

using a 12 volt battery some tape and wire to engrave it.

advice and criticism always welcomed!

etching is not the same as engraving, and the wood looks like pine



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Why do you think you should use low quality steel when you start out? Is it because free high quality steel is everywhere?  Is it because lower carbon steels work differently than higher carbon steels and so you are not practicing what you need to be practicing?  Is it because you can't gain experience heat treating a higher carbon steel properly with a low quality steel?  I am terribly curious WHY?

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Give you a 2 honestly and that's generous coming from a non knife maker. The style is unattractive in my opinion and the handle is boxy. I've made nicer kso's with a file and hacksaw. 

There. You asked. :) now keep at it with proper steel and proper steps and show our opinions up. 



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I think you need to work on the finish more than anything. The scratches from what I will assume was the final grinding are completely random and look very poor when the light reflects on it in the second photograph. The shape could work with a better handle design and a nicer finish on the blade. I'd give it a three seeing the potential for a seven with some basic refinements. Not sure if that particular shape would ever look particularly nice but I could be proven wrong.

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Buddy, I'm speakin straight from the heart, so please know it comes from a good place:

I used to say the same thing, that I was intentionally making the blades more rustic or stylized, but the sad truth is I was leaving the blades unfinished. The fact is that a knife with clean geometry and a more form-fitting/comfortable handle design (and even a polished blade) will perform better in use. Remember that a knife that is hard to use is not doing it's job.

I want to encourage you to keep making knives, but not make the mistake that I did, and really take your time with them to fully realize each knife.

The wood looks like pine, not really suitable for a handle material even when polyurethaned. 1095 is a great beginner steel, how did you heat treat?

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38 minutes ago, TheoRockNazz said:

Buddy, I'm speakin straight from the heart, so please know it comes from a good place:

I used to say the same thing, that I was intentionally making the blades more rustic or stylized, but the sad truth is I was leaving the blades unfinished. The fact is that a knife with clean geometry and a more form-fitting/comfortable handle design (and even a polished blade) will perform better in use. Remember that a knife that is hard to use is not doing it's job.

I want to encourage you to keep making knives, but not make the mistake that I did, and really take your time with them to fully realize each knife.

The wood looks like pine, not really suitable for a handle material even when polyurethaned. 1095 is a great beginner steel, how did you heat treat?


I really do want my blade to look dark like that

if I wanted to spiff it up I could 

the woods definitely not pine I know that

and I got it up to non magnetic and quenched in oil 

then heated up a piece of metal and rested my blade on top of that till I was satisfied 


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So let me get this straight, this knife is exactly the shape, size, and finish you were shooting for, the temper was just heated until you were satisfied, and the handle is unidentifiable but definitely not pine. You ask for a rating, advice and criticism then dispute everything being offered.

If you are happy with your results and progress, then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. If you are aiming for a wider mass appeal and to improve your skills, listen to what the above talented people are saying. You can't have it both ways. By the way, based on the progression you have shared with us, I think you are improving, but #2 is my favorite so far for size & shape.

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Well, I would agree with the "2" assessment.  It seems like you are happy with the results, so that is all that really matters.  However, since you asked for my opinion, I'm not a fan of the blade or handle shape.  I would have picked a more interesting piece of wood as well, but that is purely a matter of taste.

I agree that the finish on the knife turns me off.  However, I am a stickler for not seeing any scratches, or dings.

Make knives the way you want; just don't be surprised if people don't agree with your choices.  

Just for calibration, this is my 3rd knife.  I finished it about a year and a half ago.  At the time I was pretty proud, but today I would give it a 5.  The pattern welding is very muddy, and I don't know what I was thinking when I put the pin where I did.  I like the deeply concave clip point, but most people thought it looked odd.  I also wish I had used  a contrasting material at the pommel.

I keep pushing myself to get "Better" by my definition, and suggest you do the same by your own definition.  I can visualize a "10", but on my best days. I can probably only manage a 7 or 8.


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rhitee is spot on, and his example is great; be proud of each knife you make, but be able to see, analyze, and improve on the flawed aspects. 

I'm still making fours and fives, maybe pushing it into 6 with this upcoming sword... but anytime I feel like I leveled up I go look at the what the guys who literally wrote the books are doing and go crawl back into my cave haha

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You could have just posted a photo,  but instead you ask us to rate it 1-10, so I will give a 2 and I am being generous.    I have to ask you, why bother to post asking for feedback if you will reject any comments that disagree with what you wanted ? so I wont waste my time giving details you will reject anyway.   Also your DT comment is pushing the politics anyway. so perhaps rather than complaining here you should read the ToS and look at the quality standards of others blades.

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