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I Forge Iron

Box tongs


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While working on another project, I thought I would stretch my skills a little and make a set of box tongs from scratch.
These are 3/4 box tongs made from 16 inches (8 inch each side) of 3/4 by 3/8 flat stock, now that I have them the next sets will go faster.
I learned a lot making them.








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22 minutes ago, Forging Carver said:

Nice work! I love doing large work like tools becuase I love projects where it is mainly hammering. The only issue is that my forge is a bit small to make stuff like this in right now. I tried once and won't be doing it again until I get a better forge!

How is it to small? Ya can only work a small area at a time.

Very clean looking tongs, good work!!

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Well the issue is that right now my forge is a brake drum with some piping and a hair dryer. No table, no nothing. So I can only put coal up to the rim of the brake drum. That being said, I have to put my long stock at an angle into the forge. Also, part of the reason is also that I need a new air source. My hair dryer produces too much air, and turning it on and off everytime the heat is done is a pain. My next coal forge will have a table, better air source, and will be a bit higher.

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15 minutes ago, Forging Carver said:

Well the issue is that right now my forge is a brake drum with some piping and a hair dryer. No table, no nothing. So I can only put coal up to the rim of the brake drum. That being said, I have to put my long stock at an angle into the forge. Also, part of the reason is also that I need a new air source. My hair dryer produces too much air, and turning it on and off everytime the heat is done is a pain. My next coal forge will have a table, better air source, and will be a bit higher.

Could always forge weld the reigns on then ya don't need to worry about the legnth.

sorry for hijacking your thread JJ

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much better than mine:D! you did a good job making them.



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Hey JJordan, nice tongs! What a coincidence, my initials are JJordan as well. Forging Carver I had the same issue with my old forge. I couldn't do long peices because I didnt have a table. But I made a very simple forge that you can just put a brake drum in the middle, And it has been wroking very well so far. I still need to make it a bit sturdier, but it is working well so far.IMG_0946.thumb.JPG.e09976cc17741e6dec591IMG_0945.thumb.JPG.88cc21f78017f28e70c82IMG_0944.thumb.JPG.0acc49b633a2053435dd7IMG_0943.thumb.JPG.bc1dd5d42afc83d0374ff

Its just two pieces of steel plate with a semi circle cut on both ends, connecting by a curved piece of pipe so a brake drum fits between. I also cut into the brake drum so you can fit longer stock in. On the sides are two more peices of steel plate that make the size of the area you need to put fuel more contained.

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Nice tongs, much like some I have made, and still use.



Your simple forge looks perfectly functional, but all the leaves and wood scrap beneath and around it cause me some concern. I know it would be better, to not burn down the building. 

Respectfully, Doc Johnson

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Nebula, speaking of "safety first", I would SERIOUSLY find some support for your brake drum forge.  Bracing of some design is sorely needed or you're gonna find your drum full of coals dropping unceremoniously on the ground and might result in some personal burns as well.  Poking around in your firepot could bring that thing down like a flaming house of cards.

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On 25/01/2016 at 10:46 PM, Forging Carver said:

 Also, part of the reason is also that I need a new air source. My hair dryer produces too much air, and turning it on and off everytime the heat is done is a pain.

I had the same problem, a large hole in the supply pipe covered with a sliding "half pipe" gives infinitely adjustable air without restricting or burning out the supply motor.

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