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hey guys quick question  i have decided to start reading some more wich was sugested in another post and it was also mentioned that there is a list of some good books to look for somewhere on the bladesmithing part of this forum i cant find it can any one tell me where this list is??


good call thanks thomas....some one hade said it was under the bladesmithing section i spent 2 days looking in there but anyway thats exactly what i needed and better than a list now i can see comments about the books   thanks again!


Many folks around these parts know that I am several levels down from being a bibliophile; can't use the term here; but our house sprouts bookcases like some house sprout dust bunnies.  My Christmas gift to my grandsons was books (on dinosaurs) and my Christmas gift was a book on renaissance cutlery in German...

And yes I think reviews is a much better way than just a list---hate for you to spend the money on "The Celtic Sword" Radomir Pleiner only to find out "The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England" H,R,E. Davidson would have been a better choice (or even "Das Zweischneidige Schwert Der Germanischen Voelkerwanderungszeit" Elis Behmer--the oe is an umlaut o of course)

4 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Many folks around these parts know that I am several levels down from being a bibliophile; can't use the term here;

I'm far from "around these parts" so your "fame" has spread! :)  And is that  a die,der or das umlaut? :D

I'm not really clued up on the "special book library loan system" that you folks have in the US though I believe that its brilliant. The OP lives in NY so he has access to it, so for his benefit and probably for many other would someone please set it out in a tutorial and possibly post it in the book reviews section.


The inter library loan system in my area is between the libraries in the Clark County Library District, not across the country. There are several libraries across Southern Nevada in the system, so even out here in DaBoonies I can get books, DVDs, etc shipped out to me instead of driving to the Big City to get them. My local library is very small, so this allows us to access the items in the much larger Las Vegas libraries.




11 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

Snip...--the oe is an umlaut o of course)

Ö ö

On  iPads and iPhones you can just hold down the vowel key a bit longer than normal  and then select the accent of your choice. 

I am not sure if it works on Mac OS as well, will try it tonight, but on the keyboard Macs I have always just done option u then the vowel. Option e then the vowel gives the French é. 

I often use the Ø from the Scandinavian for the diameter sign. Which is  Shift Option O.

Does this not work on Windows or Linux/UNIX systems?



Ö on a windows tablet just hold the o learnt something new .... thanks Alan! Now I have to find the diameter symbol...... Anyone?

20 minutes ago, ianinsa said:

Ö on a windows tablet just hold the o learnt something new .... thanks Alan! Now I have to find the diameter symbol...... Anyone?

Just hold shift o?

Well that is on the iPad Ø ø. Lots of options for O. õøōœòôöó. With the shift key down ÕØŌŒÒÔÖÓ



ps happy new year Ian


I flip between a windows 8.1 and a Kubuntu system and am just too lazy to keep such things straight.  The oe is an old standard that predates computers; even vacuum tube ones IIRC.  But as my co-workers keep telling me I should not expect everyone to know "Ancient History" so I try to annotate some of my more cryptic uses...

As for books; one year I was Ric Furrer's assistant at Quad-State. (One of the perks of being a member of SOFA was being able to sign up to assist at demos you are *really* interested in!)  He mentioned "Steelmaking before Bessemer, Vol I blister steel, vol II Crucible Steel"  as soon as I got home I searched and found and bought the only used copy in the USA at that time---still wearing my jacket!   Of course smart phones have taken over that sort of thing nowadays; perhaps I'll have to get one some day...


Ah yes 'twere Kubuntu, I rembered you referring to something esoteric.

 Yes oe is definitely pre computers, takes me back to my Olivetti Lettera 32 typewriter....still in the garage beside my father's Imperial...




Ò9öóõōœô my options on shift o on my Microsoft surface tablet!

Complements of the season to all ;)

Ric certainly does have an impressive selection of the 'less than common' books:)


If you're typing on a Windows computer, alt+0214 = Ö and alt+0246=ö.

As for Inter-Library Loan, it's a wonderful thing. When I was stocking up for recovery from my throat surgery back in October, the library at the college where I work got hold of all three volumes of Mark Aspery's "Skills of a Blacksmith" for me -- from the library at Colonial Williamsburg!

1 hour ago, ianinsa said:

Ò9öóõōœô my options on shift o on my Microsoft surface tablet!



You might be able to get at Ø through your system settings/preferences for keyboard and language. Add in a Scandinavian language....that is how I used to do it on my iPhone before I discovered the press and hold trick. 

@ JHCC I seem to remember years ago a friend complaining that the only way he could get special characters with Windows was via horrible unintuitive numeric ASCII text code numbers. I thought Microsoft and Apple had swapped all their clever stuff to make the Systems blandly the same. Seems not. I wonder if Ian can access the option in tablet mode on his surf-ace?



Sorry, spellcheck! "fixed" it for me :)

Changing language options are a no, no  for me as I once accidentally changed a mobile to Arabic not so easy to revert if you can't read the screen! 

9 minutes ago, BIGGUNDOCTOR said:

Alan, what year, and model Imperial?

I went and had a look for the imperial typewriter just after I wrote that because I realised I had not seen it for a while. I could not find it...I think my mum may have disposed of it. It was a portable and was quite early. It had the top panel which swept up around the type bowl. The later models I could find on Google just now had a flat top panel. I will search further.


19 minutes ago, ianinsa said:

Changing language options are a no, no  for me as I once accidentally changed a mobile to Arabic not so easy to revert if you can't read the screen! 

I did something once and ended up with Japanese on my desktop and took a couple weeks to figure out what I did even our family  member who is the computer expert couldn't figure what I had done or how to fix, I don't do Japanese any better than ianinsa  does Arabic. 

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