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I Forge Iron

Fire shape questions

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I'm not normally a solid fuel forge guy but I've never noticed a significant difference in the shapes. Some project might need a long narrow or big round fire but that argues for a duck's nest unless you have a lot to make.

Frosty The Lucky.

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With a Coal fire, perhaps the shape and style of your Forge "Pot" ( Duck's Nest vs: Rivet type ) has the most impact on the efficiency of the fire.

Both of those are, of course, "Bottom Blast" Forges.

I don't have enough experience with "Side Blast" systems, to make intelligent comment on their characteristics, ... but would assume they would be more versatile, in regard to the shape of the fire.


Since I make it a "point", to never be in a hurry, :P ... I tend to keep my Forge Fire small and "manageable".

This is sometimes "counter-productive", ... but when you've eliminated any serious "Profit Motive" from your "Business Plan" :P ... it's not a problem.





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The metal does not care how it gets hot, just that it does get hot before you start hitting on it.

The beauty of solid fuel is that you CAN adjust the shape of the fire for the project at hand. No one ever sid you could have only one forge. (grin)

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