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I Forge Iron

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Not too bad. Of course my perspective is from Alaska where it'd probably bring him more than $5.00/lb, especially with it's condition.

It's a nice size too, I think it's a good score.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Condition is why I wasn't afraid to pay that. We had agreed on a little higher price but when I saw how small it was i told him I wasn't payin it for that. All in all it worked out fine.

ill clean up the holes as suggested. I've already started cleaning up the shank on the hot cut (I noticed it had a little swelling at the bottom) and noticed it's not hand made. It's got a name stamped in it but I can't make it out and it also say "always wear safety glasses." I wonder why it says that? :D

I haven't played with it much but I like it very much. I'm not used to the rebound being so much so that'll take some getting used to. It's funny when you hit 1.25" round and it jumps off the anvil every time you hit it.

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Biggun, I have some ~4' lengths of scrap 6"x6" im going to cut to proper height and bolt together, I think that'll work great. I'll be looking in my scrap pile to see what I have to hold the anvil down securely to the base. After all that I'll be sittin in high cotton and enjoying myself.

Bo, it was a family road trip, my wife and our 2 year old went with me. It would've been nicer but it was a little warm out and my old '86 doesn't have a/c. We all seemed to enjoy the ride though we were glad when it was done.

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Orient the pieces vertically please!   As far as "hand made"; in the 19th century thousands of blacksmiths used to work in factories making tools at forges.  Where do you draw the line?  (Ohio tool used to use prisoners to forge tools, I have a couple from them.)

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Thomas, what pieces aren't oriented the right way? Are you referring to when I tilted it up long enough to show where it says fisher? As far as the hot cut goes it looks like two piece construction. Looks like the shank is welded to the body and the body looks almost like it was ground to shape. Of course I haven't got the trained eye of someone more experienced. I can go get a pic of it if you want to see what I'm talkin about.

Edited by M Cochran
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No, I'm goin to cut them down to length and stand them vertically and bolt them together. Or I might try opening them up at the bottom a few inches like table legs for a little extra stability. Definitely vertical more than horizontal. For now it's sitting on the stand I had my rail mounted on but once I get the new stand built I'll share pictures of it.

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Probably simpler and easier to keep them straight and simply add a few extra "shorts" to the bottom to widen the base as "feet" similar to what you often see with flag poles if that makes sense. Of course if you have the wood working tools and experience to plane those posts in a compound taper so the center is still solid, that would be interesting as well.

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DSW, the taper would be much much more work but I think you might be on to something. I think it'll probably do just what I want/need and look good at the same time. Thanks for that suggestion.

NJ, I kept expecting to see you pop up before now. I was a little worried about the price and drive at first but then I realized the price wasnt that bad and no ether was the drive. I was supposed to have a babysitter watch my son but they canceled 20 minutes after they were supposed to have him and mate me late. We ended up having a good amount of family time and played 'see it.' Thats my sons new favorite thing to say, 'see it' as he points at something but only he knows what he sees lol

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DSW, the taper would be much much more work but I think you might be on to something. I think it'll probably do just what I want/need and look good at the same time. Thanks for that suggestion.

NJ, I kept expecting to see you pop up before now. I was a little worried about the price and drive at first but then I realized the price wasnt that bad and no ether was the drive. I was supposed to have a babysitter watch my son but they canceled 20 minutes after they were supposed to have him and mate me late. We ended up having a good amount of family time and played 'see it.' Thats my sons new favorite thing to say, 'see it' as he points at something but only he knows what he sees lol

​Posted 6/3 and 6/10.  Lots to do in life besides hanging out on here waiting to comment on everything.

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