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Door Latches

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I want to start making a few door latches for the shop and shed so am looking for input and examples. I've tried to do my homework, but cannot find much how to info on door latches. I have found some for the suffolk latch http://blog.horton-brasses.com/archive/2010/december/makingasuffolk , and http://www.sootypaws.net/blacksmithing/latch/latch_intro.html , and a decent general article http://philipmarshall.net/pdf/cotton_knobs+and_latches_ohj_1987.pdf , but was hoping

some of you might be able to share some pics of latches you have made or point me to some examples (how to info would be even better). I did find 1 BP on IFI but not quite what I am looking for. I like the self-latching function of the Suffolk, but its not a necesity, I do however want to be able to close the door behind me after entry.

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Greetings Ed,


This is one I made for a door that is 4in thick...  The cam lock system allows the door to be opened from both sides...  Its kinda over the top for your application ... I have made several and will see if I can find more pictures


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John - thanks for the pics, some very nice designs there. I like the handle incoporated into the bar in the 7th pic. I have 1 double door that pulls open, I think something along that style would work well for that application. I do need to add a bolt or other means to be able to make 1 of the doors stationary.


Ken - that is a beefy design, I like it. Is that a rams head keeper?


Thomas - you have expensive taste in books : ) , yet another reason for me to make my way to our local library.


Seldom - that is one of the hard copy books I have. I'll have to thumb through it again, I thought I had already.


Jim - thanks for the pics. I'm not sure I follow how that arrangement works from both sides. Is there another handle on the other side of the door that pulls the bolt down when roatated?

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