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Posting Questions and Problems

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If you expect a productive answer to your questions and problems that will actually help you, please post where you are. This one item of information will get you so much further and quicker with less effort on our part to help you. Sometimes, the help you seek is literally next door to you, but no one would know if you don't say where you are.

Posting your location is easy. Just click on "User CP" at the top of the forum page, then click "edit profile", then go to the bottom of the page and add your location. Then save.

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  • 7 months later...

It is difficult for me to justify a response to anyone who does not show their location. In my mind, either they are afraid of whatever (including scam artists or the possibility of an obvious answer to what may seem an insurmountable question) or (hopefully not) deviant persons themselves. In the case of the obvious answer, everyone has made those questions, irregardless of their current or future skill level, period. This craft has been around for over three thousand years, no one will ever, EVER, make a new mistake, or ask a question that has been put forth at least a million times before.
If I'm not mistaken, the number of members on the map has not increased since January. I am positive the number of members in the blog has increased far beyond that.
Show your location and be proud.

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If you expect a productive answer to your questions and problems that will actually help you, please post where you are. This one item of information will get you so much further and quicker with less effort on our part to help you. Sometimes, the help you seek is literally next door to you, but no one would know if you don't say where you are.

Posting your location is easy. Just click on "User CP" at the top of the forum page, then click "edit profile", then go to the bottom of the page and add your location. Then save.

Richard, I would like to shake your hand on this one, but alas, I looked to see if you were close to where I live and well....your upper right hand area speaks for itself. ;)
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  • 9 months later...

Whats the big deal about location? Thats why we are using the internet. We get answers from all over the world. If there is someone that wants to advertise the address, fine. If not, most of us are still reading and answering online. I have nothing to hide, but neither do I want people showing up unannounced, I don't spend ALL my time at this so it might not be convenient to have too much access.

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No one is asking for you house address, phone #, P.O Box#, social security #, Drivers license#, or anything else that personal. It just makes it easier to help someone if you know where they are. I have yet to meet a rude blacksmith that would just drop in "unannounced" or with out an invitation. I had a young beginner and his mother come to my shop this past Tuesday evening to purchase some coal. He PMed me a month or so back from here, yes he's an IFI member, asked if I had some to sale. I was able to help him out, he got 100#. I lit the forge and showed him how to make a leaf and let him make one, the smile on his face was priceless. Now he plans to bring his younger brother and the 2 want to take my beginner class. I had another IFI member from California come visit last Jan. '08. He was in the area visiting family and asked if he could come visit and see my shop. I was more than happy to accomidate him. That too was a good experiene, one that would have not happened if my location was not posted. I have bee able, as well as many here, to help someone in other states find equipment, or whatever, because I knew of an IFI member that was close to them. I personnally have called IFI members to ask permission to visit them and their shop when I knew I was going to be in their area. Have gotten to personally meet some very nice folks that way, and we had plenty to talk about! :) Just a few good reasons to post your GENERAL location. IMO

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Sure, I too am ready and willing to help others with hands on. I have received, I have freely given. I have tried to recruit more interest in smithing by demo-ing at the county fair, supplying material, coal, advice I even give away some tools that I make in the demo. I was referring to the statement that we can't expect an answer on the site unless we give our location. Most people writing here are not expecting hands on help. If I have an answer to someones question I will give it regardless of whether I know their location. If they want to know where I am they are free to email me for more details.

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Sure, I too am ready and willing to help others with hands on. I have received, I have freely given. I have tried to recruit more interest in smithing by demo-ing at the county fair, supplying material, coal, advice I even give away some tools that I make in the demo. I was referring to the statement that we can't expect an answer on the site unless we give our location. Most people writing here are not expecting hands on help. If I have an answer to someones question I will give it regardless of whether I know their location. If they want to know where I am they are free to email me for more details.

I will give my help/advise/whatever even if I don't know where they are located. And I believe everyone else feels the same. It just helps to know so you can hook them up with a smith in their area. One more thought for giving location, it gives us an idea of how widespread this forum is.

BTW, anvillian, I hope I didn't come across too harshly in my above post. I really meant it more tongue-n-cheek. No offense intended for sure.
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I know it has helped knowing where someone is located in several situations especially if someone is in another country. Availability of items and resources can not only be different between nations, but even within a nation like the USA. Add to that the folks that may be near by and willing to have you over for a visit and show you face to face is the best kind of help anyone could offer. That kind of help doesn't get offered unless they know your close by...


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I have had many a smith at my shop, but I won't bother getting a person's hopes up when they are 100's of miles away, nor do I wish to house them for a weekend most the time. So If I don't at least know what state they are in, I pass on the offering. Some things can't be taught in only a letter.

Its surprising to many after fighting a problem for a while, how fast they can learn do a thing when they have hands on training.

Edited by steve sells
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Glenn has requested that people give their location.
If this is incorrect please correct me.

This a free site created and maintained by Glenn and others.

I personally find it easy to follow the rules and benefit from all that is here to gain and enjoy contributing when I can.

It's really that easy.

Just my .02

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Has any one noted that I DO HAVE MY LOCATION posted. I thought it was amusing how much energy was expended over this. My question "whats the big deal about location" seems to have touched a nerve. It was in response to Daryl's post that said: " It is difficult for me to justify a response to anyone who does not show their location. In my mind, either they are afraid of whatever (including scam artists or the possibility of an obvious answer to what may seem an insurmountable question) or (hopefully not) deviant persons themselves." I hope all you folks will note that my location(Illinois) is at least as specific as Saskatchewan. I hope that will at least deliver me from the "deviant person" list.:D I'm afraid I don't have the technical know how to be a scam artist so I think I'll not be suspected of that. My only fear of obvious answers is when they come from my wife.:D I also believe I am accessible. I have received emails from other members in the past. I won't flatter myself by thinking any one needs my advice. But sometimes I just offer it anyway:p

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Yeah, I did notice. Close nuff for me. One of my first thoughts was...Wonder how far he is from Lorilie Sim's shop??!! :) I give advise freely. sometimes it's even asked for ;) I've been kinda suprised myself as to the response. If I ever go to Illinois I'll just PM you and ASK permission to visit. ;)

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