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I Forge Iron

viking smithing

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Hey all i found some cool historic viking black smithing info, very interesting.  Nice idea of how smiths worked in the dark ages.  Imagine having to sit ant your stone anvil, I can feel my back hurting just by reading.  If you are into viking culture check out the rest of the site!  Just thought i would shre.     Enjoy


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My set up is based on the stave church carving.  Note that that anvil looks almost identical to the Roman on in the Museum at Bath England (and to others throughout more modern history---there  is one from the Spanish Colonial Period of the American SW in the Camino Real Museum in NM.



 I wonder at the author of that website as art often can be wildly out of proportion with the important things shown larger than unimportant things in those days.  Look at some of the illuminations where the Saint is several times the size of his minions...

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  • 9 years later...

Since the Hurstwic article was first published, it's been updated with more information from their bloomery experiments. Also, they've included a link to a YouTube video of a lecture about those experiments:


The info about making a bloomery from stacked turf with a clay-lined core was very interesting. 

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