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I Forge Iron

Tire Hammer build

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Hey yall,

Well I made the purchase most of the metal needed for my tire hammer!!!!!! I also got a set of plans for the tire hammer, but I am having trouble understanding the plans.
Does any one know of where I can find a exploded view of the Clay Spencer Tire Hammer? A exploded view will help me understand where part this and that goes, because I don't know what part this and that is!!!! LOL
I will try to get photo's of the project as I go, but right now it is just a pile of scrap metal, but it should be transforming in to a hammer here soon.......... I hope.


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OK Today I plan on grinding the weld groove in the anvil post base, and the mast of the hammer!!!!!

Thinking about a new "head" design. Instead of the tire in the front, have it in the back of the hammer, then have a piece of rod (1" Round steel) run to the front, and that will turn the solid steel wheel in the front with the toggle system. now was that clear as mud or not??? ;) What do yall think?


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Sweet!!!! I have the same idea Trip for the tire mounted on the rear on a driveshaft. That way you can drill the front round plate at different intervals for different stroke locations and length. Like, one hole 1" away from the center, one hole 2", one hole 3" and so on.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well here is a update photo on my hammer. http://m1109.photobucket.com/albumview/albums/kyblacksmith/IMG_20120715_104304.jpg.html.
Does anyone have a good photo of the lower treadle assembly????


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hey yall,

I got the anvil post completely welded on the base, and painted. http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/ Today I hope to make the motor mount assembly, and treadle assembly.

So far I got 4 hours of work, and $460 (give or take) in it.

Good, bad, or just ok?


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OK this link SHOULD work.

I got an idea for the power source for my hammer. It might be stupid, crazy, ect, but I am self sufficient minded, and I like the idea, so just bear with me. :)
Instead of using a 1hp 1750rpm AC motor, use a 1HP 1750rpm DC motor, and then hook that up to solar panels on the roof of my shop!!! I found a motor that I think will work http://www.ebay.com/itm/1HP-1750RPM-90V-56C-FRAME-PERMANENT-MAGNET-DC-MOTOR-/220728746438?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33647561c6 Yes I know it is pricey but it's the best deal I could find so far. Now I just need to figure out how many solar panels I need.
Oh and also before you start thinking (solar panels are going to cost an arm and a leg) I can build my own 75watt solar panels for a third of retail price. :)

So what do yall think?


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Thanks for the idea, and resource!!!!! I am having to take a break from working on it today, I hurt my back and knee yesterday. Hope to get back to fabricating the motor mount tomorrow.

Well due for financial reasons I am going to have to sell my Champion 400 16" blower to continue work on the tire hammer. :(

Here is a photo of it If any one is interested in it, you can email me at [email protected] or call me at (270)618-1325.


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1 HP = 746 Watts

However what about starting current load and efficiency in your area? What voltage do your panels put out? What amperage. You may need a fairly expensive power conditioning system to get panel output usable by that motor!

at this time I don't have any panels, and I don't remember the numbers for the ones I planed on making, I will have to do some math..... oh goody. lol

the solar powered hammer was a late night idea, and I might still do it, but maybe as a add on later, or if I come into some money.

thanks for the info!!!!!

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OK I got a problem..... i think.

I am trying to find the spring that goes in between the...... toggles??. you know that moving part on the head of a tire hammer. I can't find the spring needed.. where do yall get them, or do any of yall have any that you would like to sell??


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Clay spernce's book on the power hammer has a list of all the parts and where you can get them on offence but it sounds like you are trying to recreate the wheel.

well the website he gave isnt working right
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im going to power mine with one of these...

I think you will need more than 1 1/2 hp hit and miss to run a tire hammer. I had a 25# Meyer bros at the BAM conf. and my 2 1/2 hp throttle goverened was really not enough. Your tire hammer is most likely closer to 50#.
It takes 2 1/2 gas hp to equal 1 electric hp.
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