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I bought this 171lb anvil from a steel yard for less than $1/lb. The face is heavily damaged and I have no idea what kind of anvil this is. I've read some of the other posts that say pictures are the best way for you guys to guess. Any chance any of you know what this anvil is made out of or who's it is. I haven't found any clearly visible markings on it (I don't have pictures of the other side yet).

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Very nice. There's a lot of face still left so it's a working anvil for the meantime. I'd be hard-pressed to not find someone to fix it up, though. An anvil that size is just about perfect for the hobby smith and because you got it so cheap you won't have too much invested in it should you decide to weld it up.

Great find!


Good! You have a heel, horn, and quite a lot of face. Tap around and find out how well fastened the remaining face is, grind back any overhang, or really loose face. Use it until you are ready to repair. Any further damage done to the body or face will not be an issue.

There are a number of ways to repair an anvil. One well endorsed method is Gunter's.

Another is using manganese build up wire or rod.



Can we have a picture of the bottom of the anvil?

If you are in the USA I know that several ABANA affiliates have had "anvil repair workshops" as I have had anvils repaired in Ohio and in New Mexico at such an event.

Just the hardy and the horn would make for a decent deal depending on price as you can always use a "block" anvil for the hammering.


Actually the face is missin in a large area, the face is a piece of steel forge welded to the anvil body, The missing area for wotever reason became unbonded and left for other places. This is not something most homeshops are prepared to do. But to repeat wot has already been said above..use it as it is and for wotever youi wish. If you already knew all of this do not read it...enjoy wotever it can do for youi.


I removed A bad face last week cut it lose with a torch and cleaned the anvil up and attached a T11 3/8 plate steel to it with a few plug welds and a primiter weld for a local farmer / smith the rebound was awesome and worked very well the he was very happy as it had been in the family for many years .



Has a lot more hard face on it than my first anvil! You can still get a lot of good first class work done on that anvil and when you are ready to have it refaced you will be a master smith and know all the tricks of the trade and most likely will not bother to have it fixed as you and that anvil will be dear and close friends, that's the way I feel about my half face.


Looking at the photos and compairing them to the ones in Anvils in America, i would agree that it could be a mousehole standard london Pattern. Could you post an absolute profile picture of it. The radius under horn on the moushole anvils seems to stand apart from some other london patterns from the photos that I have seen.


Welcome aboard, glad to have you. Good score, unless more of the face is unbonded it'll work nicely for most anything. tapping with a hammer should ring clear, it it has a buzz to the note it's loose under or close to where you struck, just taps will do, don't give it a big smack, it's just a sound test.

If you'll put your general location in your header you might be happily surprised at how many folk here live within visiting distance, we're a big well spread out gang.

Frosty The Lucky.

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