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I Forge Iron

Need to forge a pig

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Use the same technique as a rams head but just alter your dimensions for ears, and flatten/jump up snout area, use appropriate punches for eyes and nostrils

Set ears to required shape with round nose pliers and put in a mouth using a sharp chisel if you want to,

Have fun

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Travis, I made one yesterday. It started out as a dragon but mysteriously took on the look of a pig. I used an old RR spike. The head of the spike gave me a really good starting point for the shape of the pigs head and snout. As soon as I get the camera running I'll post a picture. If you want to try one with a rr spike, I'll be up in VA on wed and could throw a couple your way.

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Thanks folks. I just need to get my brain working. Mark thanks but I have a bunch of spikes. This is to go on a meat flipper. She has been around pigs all her life and works for Qualtney of Smithfield. Has a degree from Virginia Tech in animal husbandry. So needless to say puigs are important to her.
Thanks again

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A bunch of good suggestions. Decide which end for the pig, you can either either cut out the shape in the center of the flat and/or the head in the handle. Or.... how about a set of three branding irons of three different pigs that can be used to brand meats as raw, medium and well-done. (Or good stuff, best cuts, and inlaw's gristle cuts ;-)

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Darryll Nelson makes a bull dog by folding 1" X 1/4" bar stock. Just round up the nose a little and it is a pig. I made a knife with the bull dog as the handle (it is a sculpture of my shop dog Moe). After forging the pig head leave some stock for the handle then draw down the shank and spread the area for the spatula blade. Here is a picture of the Moe knife. Actually there are two folds one at the ears and one below the chin.


Look at this thread: Animal heads with Darryl Nelson here on IFI It is in the General Discussion Forum and was started by Gerald Boggs. I didn't see an example of the dog's head but there is some good information and good pictures there. Do a Google search for Daryll Nelson and you will get lots of hits some YouTube videos.

BTW, this knife won the Best Rail Road Spike Knife contest at the Batson Bladesmith Symposium this year.


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