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10-200$ really hard to give a price ...a nice 6 inch could go for 4-500$ on ebay ... ive paid as little as 10 bucks for a 4in but it had the post cut down...ide ck locally and see whats available... and you never know what kind of deal you will find!


Search your local craigslist every day and you may get lucky. I found 6 vices of various sizes, some were missing springs and brackets, but they all had good screws. I bought the whole lot for $280.00, the guy was going to a baseball game that night and needed beer money. There was one real nice 6 inch vise in the bunch missing the spring and bracket- an easy fix for a black smith, the screw is the main thing that I look at, bent legs and jaws that do not line up can be corrected.


I just got a 5 inch leg vise in a local on line auction for $25.00...Paid $75 for the last 5 inch leg vise I got through CL.


If you see a post vise on ebay listed as "local pickup only" ask the seller about shipping anyways (worst that will happen is they will say no). I scored a good vise for $10 + $40 shipping, so $50.


Quad-State 2010---a typical 4" post vise was about $75 in the lower range; I picked up a 6" for $50 but that was a DEAL!

I recently bought a couple of 4-4.5" for $30 apiece on craigslist.

Where are you at? In Ohio they were about half the cost of them out here in New Mexico all the time.

  • 1 month later...

ya i would say that the standard price where im at in IL is about 100-125$ for a 4 1/2" inch vise. some times i see them for like 75.
I gt real lucky and got a 5"er at a auction for 38$. your best bet if your on a tight budget is constantly search craigslist, i had to search for a year before i found that insane anvil deal i was praying to find (i ended up getting 2 peter wrights for 250). keep looking and youll get one soon enough

  • 1 month later...

Howdy, I am new around here but I suggest you watch the "farm" and "barter" sections on craigslist. I have seen a couple around the area here in Michigan.



A post vice as massive as this, in this kind of condition is a rarity. The jaws are 6" wide in excellent condition. Manufactured by The Iron City Co. Overall height is 43" $350, Toledo


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