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here is a clip on the National Geographic channel.
part of a program on the staffordshire hoard being shown sometime later this year.........
Narrated by Donald Sutherland and with yours truly welding up a saxon blade, only a narrow seax (budget) but none the less......
welding the saxon sword


Owen thank you so much for that link. I am really down on all the utube so called how to do anything videos that show poor technique and lack of fundementals such as shop layout and personal safety. Nice to see it done and really done well. Thank you!


Very nice video and a fantastic seax at the end.

That saxon horde was an incredible find. I remember seeing it on the bbc news website and couldn't believe Time Team weren't all over it like a rash. Great to see the work of someone from hundreds of year ago re-emerge from the ground and then be recreated by a modern smith.


It is on tonight
times are central:

  • 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
    Lost Gold of the Dark Ages

    Lost Gold of the Dark Ages chronicles the amazing story of how an amateur metal-detecting enthusiast discovered a gold hoard of more than 1,500 artifacts dating back a millennium, and valued at over $5 million. The importance of the discovery is comparable to finding Tut's treasure. To solve the mystery of where the gold came from, to whom it belonged and why it was buried, historians take us on a journey back into the Dark Ages.
  • 08:00 PM to 09:00 PM
    Secrets of the Lost Gold

    NGC obtained exclusive access to one of the most important ancient discoveries of modern times: the amazing story of how an amateur metal-detecting enthusiast discovered a gold hoard of more than 3,000 artifacts dating back nearly a millennium, and valued at over $5 million. Now, an international team of experts is on a global quest to unearth the hoards secrets.
  • 2 months later...

you are very welcome .I have still not seen the show as i do not have satellite tv!
If anyone knows a link to it that would be cool.
Otherwise I will buy the dvd this winter!

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