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I Forge Iron

Source for hammer blanks (inexpensive)?

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the first cut on two inch took us 3 heats ( brian can do it in one with a hand hammer, somehow!! ) the second a little longer

There are no tricks to it, but your anvil and stand must be mounted well and you need to employ the tapered shank hot cut hardy. I don't think most people realize how much energy is lost to vibrations.
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Well, I ended up going to the local (only) steel place, and looked through their scrap bin. They didn't want to deal with me on the phone, because I am a "nuisance", but I don't get out much and it is more than the usual drive. Their bin had plenty of round shafting, and I picked up two pieces about 20" each. I would have preferred smaller pieces primarily because of the lower risk, but upon returning, the spark test said 1040 for both! Yay. Eventually, it would be worth getting an inverter for my Dremel. Unlike my friend whose bars were precut too short for shipping, the cuts can be done with more consideration of the end use. Really, I hate shipping and flat rate package restrictions, but it takes so much time and gas to drive around, especially when you don't know what you're getting.

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How much vibrations are lost on a 4 ft section of railroad tie buried in clay standing on its end you think? Sufficient for government work perhaps?

Wood tie with a steel anvil on it? good, getting very close to ideal. The better fastened the anvil, and the better the condition of the wood the better the system works.

Steel track set directly in the Earth? It doesn't get much better given a piece of rail as an anvil.

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Get you a full section of rail road track and bury it about 17-1/2 feet into the ground. All the mass is directly below the hammer, and it is well grounded.

Now that you have your anvil located, build your smithy around it.
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