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Thoughts for Mom please


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My mother who is 87 was admitted to the hospital Friday afternoon with congestive heart failure. They think she will be able to be treated with meds but she is a severe stroke risk. The part that bothers me the most, is that my father started his downhill spiral with the same issues at about the same time of year 3 years ago. He was a smoker and cancer finally took him. Thankfully, my mother is not a smoker. I'm not a strongly religious person, but I have seen some really cool stuff in my life that can't be explained by science. If a prayer or two could help, I would be thankful.


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Thanks guys, for your responses. Mom is in great spirits today and they say she might get to go home tomorrow :) She still has a long road to travel but she jokes that there are still a lot of things she has to accomplish on this side of life!! :D For now, she can't wait to get back to her own apartment and her cat, Sukey. After a stop there yesterday, I can clearly tell, Sukey misses her too ;)

Again, thanks!!

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Hey Dodge - Just saw this thread.

I went through the same thing with my folks so I know how you're feeling - Kudos for being there for your mom!
When it's appropriate to their condition, getting someone outta the hospital and back into their own surroundings can work wonders for recovery.

You and your mom are on top of the list here and we wish you the best!!

Neil & Lauren

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Well, Mom had a bit of a setback this morning. An episode of low BP, so she is going to have a pacemaker put in to help regulate heartbeat. Least that's the way my sis explained. All very overwhelming. Lot of info to take in, but under the circumstances, Mom's still in good spirits. Actually sounded better today than yesterday :) Barring any complications, she should be able to go home Friday. So we (Sis and I) will have to check in on Sukey a few more times before its all said and done :D

Once again, thanks for all the kind thoughts and support
Believe me, it helps! :)

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