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mr. stewartsmith,
in reference to the post vise you mentioned, how available are springs and back plates for these? is it an easy fix?

Springs can be made from mild steel or leaf spring, the mounting plate can be made from an exhaust U-bolt until a better (read more historically accurate) one can be made. The spring is within the skills of a new weekend smith (possibly with help or advise)


good luck, my friend, that hay budden is a gorgeous anvil

I'm sorry, you must be looking at a different ad. The one I replied to is offering a different brand of anvil:

"Hay and Butten Blacksmiths' Anvil. 185 lbs. Rings like a bell"

Far superior to Hay Budden, I'm sure!

Unfortunately, it was sold before I got there. The seller never replied, but my follow-up email was rejected by Craig's List because the ad was removed.

Well, back to hard-facing my steel blocks!

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Stewart,

I am looking at the Hay Budden 300 Pound Anvil on e-bay. I am new to the sport and looking to buy my first anvil. I built a little brake drum forge and I have been using a chunk of railroad iron thus far.

Anyway the anvil looks pretty beat up. From what you can see looking at the pics is this anvil worth $300-$400? I have family up that way and I could pick it up from the store so I wouldn't have to pay for shipping. I am thinking I should go for it, just because I haven't seen a 300# anvil in this price range.

Anyway if you get a chance to reply before the auction ends I'd like your 2 cents.

By the way, thanks for posting all these anvils. It has been great to have so many links in one place.


hufe hay budden on ebay, looks pretty decent...........My link

If I lived in washington state, I would jump on this with the quickness........this is a big beautiful anvil at a steal of a price My link

That looks like a nice one - has a similar profile to my Ajax - long, thin heel and about the same dimensions. I'd guess 250-300 lbs. sounds like a great price.

at this auction in ohio, they are selling two decent looking hay buddens to the highest bidder, it is a farm auction My link

Sounds like a nice starter set, I wonder how much the cone will go for?

one heckuva bargain in new hampshire My link

Well i like that people are havig such an easy time down there in the states lol. im up here in ontario canada and i have been forging for close to a year and a half and still have had no luck getting an anvil all i have is a 25lb princess auto anvil. all the anvils iv seen within a 100mile radius are up to 2.5-3 dollars a pound, but i guess i cant complain because i get 2000lbs of coke (burnt down coal) deliverd to my door for $600 (25 cents a pound and 100 dollar shipping

this is another good deal My link

I don't know where this was linked to but my AVG anti virus blocked it. Not complaining or blaming - just thought you might want to know. Thanks for all the effort you put into this thread.

  • 2 weeks later...

This can be yours for the bargain price of $32,500!


Edit - O.K. I guess the seller fixed his buy-it-now price. It looks like a decent deal now.

  • 3 weeks later...

A bit over priced, unless there's lots of extras, but it looks to be an interesting old anvil:

My link

ANVIL HOOFCARE UNIT (Heavy Iron solid with tools included and mounted on a Iron stand with rolling wheels) used unit asking $ 1000.00





Another one in Ontario (CA. That's CA as in Californina, not CA as in Canada :) )

My link

This is a old style anvil with a great top and a nice looking horn. No major damage and ready to work. Great for a metal worker, horseshoer or even a decoration.



Further north, a 274# Trenton:

My link

Wow. I don't think I've ever seen this many anvils for sale in California at one time. I guess it's true: if you want to find an anvil for sale, all you have to do is buy one. The others will come out of the woodwork.


Heads up out near San Francisco, a guy just listed 6 or 7 nice anvils on CL with fairly high prices to match, but maybe he'll deal a bit.

Yeah, he's on the Sacramento Craig's List, if anyone wants to look them up.

Pretty serious fisher http://cgi.ebay.com/Fisher-Norris-200-pound-Blacksmith-Anvil_W0QQitemZ200555858125QQcategoryZ13869QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp4340.m263QQ_trkparmsZalgo%3DSIC%26its%3DI%252BC%26itu%3DUCI%252BIA%252BUA%252BFICS%252BUFI%26otn%3D10%26pmod%3D110619234587%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D5722867269793519326


Vermont CL- basic kit incl. anvil forge vice etc. http://burlington.craigslist.org/tls/2127313522.html

By the way Stewart, this thread was a great idea! Should be a great help to newbies who are on their toes.

Searchers can ignore this one, I already bought it. Good deal for a near mint Fisher :P http://burlington.craigslist.org/tls/2114338661.html

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