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$50 Post Vice Questions

Mark Wargo New2bs

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I found the pictured vice available for $50. It seems to be in good physical shape, but when I turned the handle, it would not open on it's own (It moved freely by hand after spinning the handle). Is it possible that the spring has lost it's umph and needs to be replaced? Also, the ring between the handle and the vice jaws was loose, and moved out with the handle. Would $50 be reasonable for this vice, assuming I can get some of my more mechanically inclined friends to assist in repairing the workings? I apologize for the photo quality, but it was late and I was freezing and all I had was the phone. Thanks.



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Hi New2BS, I just bought one the is somewhat like the one you posted for $35 and it needs repair in the jaw area. Went to Anvilfire and found an article that heiped me date the vise and give me an idea what I have.I got lucky and did not get hurt. If your not worried about it being sold you may want to do some home-work first and not gamble the way I did. Like I said I did it backwards and got lucky. Good Luck

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My 2 cents, The spring can be replaced,rebent. Might just need a good cleaning/oiling. The ring is a cone washer
it's supposed to be loose. Looks better than my first one.(5 in 70 lbs)Paid $60 for it. 2nd one missing the leg
piid $30 for it. Price depends on where you are and how often you see them.

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I don't know how plentiful vises are in your area. That appears to be a heavier vise. If the screw and screw box are in good shape, you want it and can afford it, then get it. It is on the high side of pricing though, but not offensively so. Try to either deal down in price, or get some add on items without paying more, since it does require repair.

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it looks like a good heavy vise. if the screw is good and the jaw face is good everything else is simlpe and
part of the fun of getting and having old things. as for the price $50 is not that bad.
buying a new post vise with out all the soul and charactor would cost you $500 to $700.
i'd get it, matto

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Look up the price of a new post vise if you think $50 is high for what looks like a good size vise.

The first thing I would do regardless of the asking price is unscrew the hanle all the way, till it comes out. Remember the order of the various spacers and washers so they can be returned to the same position. Now, visualy inspect the threads both on the screw and the screw box. If they are mostly there, you have a good deal. If they are mostly gone, the repair will most likey be more than you will want to spend, especialy if you are not a very experienced machinist with a good lathe or a fairly advanced millwright.

As to the spring, that is a fairly easy fix, even if you have to make a new spring.

Or, just read what Matto said above. I wish I could type faster.

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Here in NM that would be a $100 vise, in OH maybe a $25-40 vise. You are about 1/2 way in between...

Doesn't look like it needs anything save a through cleaning and oiling which should help the spring out.

As previously mentioned check the screw out. If the edges are still pretty square then get it! If they are worn to a slant, give it some thought.

If you do get it you probably will need to clean all the crud out of the screwbox and off the screw. Soaking a week in kerosene or diesel and cleaning with a wire brush usually works well.

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Thanks for the insight and advice. The specific areas to check is very helpful information as I have no access to lathes or mills of any type. This is the largest vice that I've ever seen in my admittedly limited experience. From memory I would judge that the jaws are 5 inches wide. All of the metal was in great shape and the jaws had no damage. He had two that were both listed for $50, but the other was probably 30% smaller than this one and had no spring on it. I'm in no rush to have a vice, so I have time to evaluate things. It will cost me $15 in gas to go look at it whether I buy it or not, so I'm probably going to pass until I get back over that direction on other business. Thanks much.


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