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I Forge Iron

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I use a JHM Competitor. After getting some better hammer control I was allowed to choose my anvil to use. I picked this one out of the pile in the shop.

In my honest opinion it is a great anvil. Plenty hard. Good horn size....and I really like the deep step from the face too. The hardy is a little over 1 1/8" I believe...

The casting on mine is beautiful, pretty much the perfect anvil for me.


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A friend of mine has 3 JHM anvils and swears by them. I purchased 2 new shapers two weeks ago.I picked up one from anvil brand two weeks ago and pick the other up tomorrow. I have not forged enough on the one to give you an honest opinion but like I said my friend who is a full time farrier swears by them. The finish on the one I picked up last week is good. Theygave me a break for buyong two. Nice folks to deal with.


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  • 5 years later...

This is what's waiting for me when I get home from work. My wife (a true Goddess) bought me the JHM Shaper for my Christmas present. Of course it arrived while I was at work, so she and the female UPS driver had to get it off the truck and into the garage. I have been working with a hunk of railroad track up to this point, so obviously this is a BIG deal for me. A huge step up.


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The only thing with the journyman and the shaper is they are "turning" or "scrolling" anvils. Meaning they have nig heals and horns and a little bitty waist (yes kindof like a pinup ;-) so strap them down good and learn to forge over the waist. I use one as my shop anvil. Some times tooling is a bear, as you want to get out ofer the sweet spot for heavy work, you ofset your hardy tools some times

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My main anvil is a 260# Fisher. The JHM is just one of 6 anvils. I really couldn't pass it up. He sold me the anvil, folding stand with spring vise, single burner forge, a toolbox full of hoof epoxies, a toolbox of tools-hammer/hardy/rasp/files/hot shoeing tong?/fluxes/etc, and a toolbox of shoe blanks/flat stock for $250.

I loaned the JHM to a friend who had recently moved here from Italy so he could do some knives. He liked it for the work he was doing. The JHM waist isn't as tiny as most farrier anvils, so you have a little bit bigger sweet spot. It is also a size that I can comfortably pick up, and use as a traveling anvil.post-9835-0-02672000-1420309128_thumb.jp

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I have a 70# JHM that I use on the truck, it has a very flat horn. Good for squaeing the toe and turning the branches on rear shoes. You have to stay way out on the tip third to turn the branches on a front. More work than its worth on a draft shoe. Thats where the joreneman pays its way. As it is the shop anvil, it sees most of the traditinal forging. Tho i do have a collection of hevy chunks of steel that i use, including rail, bull pins, and even a cast and steel anvil that had a broken heal that i had TJ cut the horn off of (yes blasphemy).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's the old with the new. 160# Shaper. post-46881-0-63303200-1421252704_thumb.jI followed other wiser heads on this forum and put a piece of conveyor belt under the anvil prior to bolting in down, to lessen the ring. I mostly do smaller pieces, so the smaller sweet spot isn't a problem for me. The rebound was a pleasant surprise - working off of an old railroad track, I'd never experienced that before. All in all I'm in Heaven


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